Year 4 - 19

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Cassiopeia left the champions tent and went in search of her friends. She found them as she came around the corner and they were all waiting for her. She approached them and walked behind them.

"Cass!" Amelia called. Cassiopeia smiled as her blonde friend jumped into her arms. Cassiopeia adjusted the golden egg, and then hugged Amelia back as much as she could.

"Woah, hey. Don't make me drop the egg. I have no clue if it's fragile." She replied into Amelia's hair. Amelia pulled away quickly.

"Sorry." She repied.

"I was joking. Come on, let's go back." Cass told her. They linked arms and went to their other friends that were waiting. Together they walked back to the school, Draco kept passing glances at Cassiopeia, but he saw the smile on her face. He didn't want to ruin that.

"So, can we talk about something?" Theodore asked. Everyone turned to him. "So, Parseltongue?"

"Yeah, I don't know how but I've always been able to speak it. Father thinks we might have had a relative somewhere that spoke it." Cassiopeia explained. They nodded.

"Well, we think you did amazing out there." Blaise said.

"I didn't really do much." Cassiopeia replied.

"You stood there unarmed in front of a fire breathing dragon, which by the way was rated the hardest of the dragons today. You had guts to do that, I know I wouldn't have been able to." Amelia replied. Cassiopeia delivered her a smile.


That evening there was a gathering in the Slytherin common room. Rather than throwing a massive party, they got some drink and food from the kitchens and they had some quiet music on. They thought that an evening of relaxing and drinking was what they needed, rather than everyone waking up with sore heads in the morning from partying too hard. No one had mentioned about Cassiopeia speaking parseltongue, she knew they probably had it on their minds but they respected her enough not to ask. After a while, Adrian stood up, he knocked his glass with a knife to get everyone's attention.

"So, I think everyone is burning with the question. What the clue?" Adrian asked Cassiopeia, gesturing to the egg.

"You want me to open the egg?" Cassiopeia asked. Everyone cheered an agreement. She laughed and grabbed the egg. She opened it and out came the sound of screeching. It was loud and high pitched. Everyone rushed to cover their ears, including the paintings. Cassiopeia closed it quickly and stared at the egg.

"How the hell are you going to use that as a clue?" Terrance asked. Everyone looked to Cassiopeia for an answer, but instead they saw her looking at the egg, deep in thought. She then smiled.

"You already know how to access it, don't you?" Amelia asked, noticing the look. Cassiopeia nodded.

"I just have to put it in the right conditions." She said with a small smile.

"You wouldn't think you were a young champion with that answer." Adrian said in amusement. Everyone nodded in agreement, Cassiopeia just gave them a smile.


Sorry for the short chapter

Thanks for reading


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