Year 3 - 2

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Kathryn and Cassiopeia walked into the music room, the former closing the door behind the pair. Kathryn the gestured to the room.

"Grab and instrument." She ordered. Cassiopeia laughed and grabbed the guitar. She then took Cassiopeia's shoulders and brought her to a chair. "What's the boy's name?"

"Draco." Cassiopeia told her. She nodded.

"I want you to sit here and sing a song about how you feel about Draco, I want you to make it up and make it come from the heart." Kathryn said, summoning a book and a quill. She casted a spell on the quill to make it write down what Cassiopeia played. Cassiopeia thought for a moment, before starting to play, the words tumbling out of her mouth. 

Kathryn smiled as she heard the love in her niece's voice. She knew that Cassiopeia and this boy were going to get together, through only listening to the words of the song. All these things that Cassiopeia noticed about the boy was a sign, she knew this boy and she did love him. When Cassiopeia sang the last line and strummed the last chord, she looked up to her aunt.

"You've got it bad." Kathryn commented. Cassiopeia sighed with a nod. "I think you should ask him out."

"What? I can't, he doesn't like me in return." Cassiopeia replied.

"How do you know?" Kathryn asked.

"I just know, he doesn't like me like that." Cassiopeia replied.

"Tell me about him." Kathryn ordered, but not strictly. Cassiopeia sighed.

"Draco Malfoy, how do I even begin to describe Draco Malfoy. Words don't give him justice. He's amazing, he's always there for me when I need him. He's a terrific Quidditch player, and he's extremely cocky. He boasts about his wins to his enemies, but he always takes the time to celebrate with me. No cockiness, just having a laugh, being genuinely happy. He has beautiful blonde hair, and captivating icy blue eyes. When you look into his eyes, it's like you could get lost in them for years. They always have a mischievous glint to them, and when he looks into the fire in the common room, they have this glow to them. We work on our homework together, and when we're done, I start to read. He lays my head in his lap and strokes my hair. When he asks me to read to him, it's like the world disappears. I lay his head in my lap and read to him, I get lost in the words, but I know that he is right there. And that comforts me, knowing that if I get lost in my own world, he's still there. He's the has the kindest soul, deep down, and his face either has a smirk or a smile. He won't show his emotions for all to see, mainly just for me. He's always there for me when I cry, or when I need someone to tell my worries to. I just know I can rely on him. He has an undeniable love for green apples and apple pie." Cassiopeia rambled, not noticing the snowing beginning around the room. "When I died last year, I haven't admitted this to anyone, but the last thing on my mind was Draco. I was worried about leaving him, I knew it would destroy him. And I didn't want to be the reason for him losing his personality. I wish I could go back and comfort him. When I came back around, he was the first person I wanted to see, the first person I wanted to know that I was alright. When I saw him, I saw his face, it held pure happiness. His eyes gained a sparkle, that I had seen he'd lost." Cassiopeia then sighed. "And I'll be honest, I am completely and hopelessly in love with Draco Malfoy."

"Wow." Kathryn said, Cassiopeia looked up to see her crying. "That was so beautiful, and you're right, my dear, you are in love."

"What do I do?" She asked.

"Next time you see him, get him alone, and confess. If he says he doesn't feel the same, which I doubt he will, then you make sure you tell him you understand that. And if he says he likes you too, then there isn't any other option but to become an item." Kathryn told her niece. Cassiopeia nodded and pulled her aunt into a hug.

"Thank you." Cassiopeia told her aunt.

"You're welcome." She replied. "Now, I should go and tell the house-elves to start dinner."

"Okay, I'm going to go and see the twins. Where is their room?" Cassiopeia replied, putting the guitar back.

"Macey?" Kathryn called, and a house-elf apparated in.

"Yes mistress?" The elf squeaked.

"Can you show Cassiopeia to the room where the babies are staying?" Kathryn asked. The elf nodded and gestured for Cassiopeia to follow her.

"This way, ma'am." Macey said.

"Please, call me Cassiopeia." Cassiopeia replied.

"Oh no, ma'am. Macey can't do that." Macey replied. "It would be too disrespectful."

"But ma'am makes me sound so old." Cassiopeia replied. Making the elf laugh. "Please."

"Alright, Cassiopeia." Macey replied. Cassiopeia smiled to her and she was led to the twins' room. As they entered a hallway, Macey pointed to a door, where there was movement from inside.

"Thank you, Macey." Cassiopeia replied. The elf nodded and disapparated. When Cassiopeia entered the twins' room, she was met with Ara and William asleep on the couch, and Leo and Phoebe crying quietly on the floor- toys around them. Cassiopeia made her way to the two and shushed them. They looked to her and quieted, stretching their fists out towards her. Cassiopeia smiled and picked them up. Cassiopeia turned to the sound of the door, and she saw Lyra entering. She smiled at her sister and made her way to a rocking chair in the corner of the room. Cassiopeia sat, and let Lyra sit beside her in the large rocking chair. Cassiopeia made sure the three were both comfortable, one baby in each arm and Lyra leaning her head on Cassiopeia's chest, and then began to sing them a lullaby. She knew that Lyra didn't need to sleep, but she missed singing her sister to sleep.

Once she finished singing, she looked down to see all three asleep, she kissed each of them on the head and then leant back herself, falling asleep. 


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