Year 3 - 25

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It was time for the Quidditch match, and it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Draco had attempted to get out of playing by saying that his arm still hurt and that he wouldn't be able to play seeker, but Madame Pomfrey happened to be nearby and suggest that he play a different role so that his arm wasn't used as much. This led to Cassiopeia coming forth to play the seeker role, while Draco played chaser. Even though being Chaser is actually a more strenuous role, it seemed that Madame Pomfrey was fed up with his complaining. It was pouring down with rain as the teams came out onto the pitch.

"I'm not a great seeker in the dry, let alone the wet." Cassiopeia commented to Marcus.

"You are a great seeker, Cass. It'll be fine. Just do as you did in training." Marcus replied, and with that the groups went onto the pitch. The seekers were on the top of the arrangement, and Harry was shocked to see Cassiopeia.

"Cass? You're playing seeker?" He asked her.

"Yeah, Draco's arm 'hurts' too much to be seeker." She replied, with sarcasm and annoyance. Harry laughed and then they brought their attention to the game. The two seekers were attempting to look for the snitch in the horrible weather. Umbrellas were covering the students, and some were flying through the air. Some players went falling to the ground after their brooms were hit by lightning. Harry and Cassiopeia then caught sight of the snitch. They both rushed after it. Cassiopeia was in front, having reacted the quickest, and their pair flew into the clouds after the snitch. Cassiopeia saw a lightning strike come towards her, so she moved out the way.


"THANKS! YOU TOO!" He replied. The pair continued to fly after the snitch, but then they felt the air become colder. Cassiopeia closed her hand around the snitch and held it close to her chest. But then before they could fly down, there were Dementors coming straight for them. They attempted to fly away, but the Dementors were quicker. Cassiopeia turned to see where Harry was, but in that distracted moment a Dementor came in front of her and began to 'suck her face', she kept a tight grip on the snitch as she felt herself fall from her broom. Before falling unconscious, she heard the familiar screams and then all went black.


Everyone in the crowd looked up into the clouds, in an attempt to see the seekers. But none were successful. They then suddenly saw a figure falling from the sky.

"That's Cass!" Some of the Slytherins exclaimed as they noticed the green colouring of the robes. It was then that everyone noticed the other figure falling shortly behind her in red robes.

"That's Harry!" Some of the Gryffindors exclaimed. All the students and teachers watched in horror as the two students plummeted to the ground. The teachers stood from their seats and Professor Dumbledore raised his hand.

"Aresto Momentum!" He incants, and the two students have the speed of their fall reduced. Both Quidditch teams rushed to their teammates, and Madame Hooch saw the snitch in the Slytherin seeker's hand. She went back to the pitch.

"THE SLYTHERIN SEEKER CAUGHT THE SNITCH! SLYTHERIN WIN!" She announced, and the Slytherin's cheered for a moment. The two students were rushed to the hospital wing, and their team mates and friends followed.


Both students were laid on a bed and attended to by Madame Pomfrey.

"They both look a bit peaky, don't they?" Ron pointed out.

"Peaky?" Fred asked.

"What'd you expect?" George added.

"They fell over 100 feet." Fred replied.

"Yeah, come on Ron, let's walk you off the astronomy tower and see what you look like." George finished.

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry commented, opening his eyes. The Gryffindors surrounding him laughed. Harry then struggled but sat up.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, brilliant." Harry replied sarcastically.

"You gave us a right good scare there, mate." Fred said.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Well, you fell of your broom." Ron replied.

"Really?" He replied sarcastically. "I mean the match, who one?"

"Umm, Slytherin." Hermione tells him. "But Harry look, no one blames you. The Dementor's aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore's furious.  As soon as he saved you both he sent them straight off."

"There's, um, something else you should know too. When you fell, your broom, it sort of flew into the Whomping Willow. And well..." Ron explained, holding up a broken piece of Harry's broomstick. Harry looked to it in sadness.

"Is Cass okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, peachy." Cassiopeia replied as she opened her eyes, she then groaned at the light.

"Cass, are you alright?" Draco asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah, next time you're being seeker." She replied, sitting up.

"Nice catch of the snitch, Cass. God we were all really worried when we saw you falling from the sky." Marcus told her.

"Well, don't worry I'm fine." She replied giving his hand a squeeze. "Although, you owe me."

"Deal." He replied pulling her in for a hug.

"What happened to my broom?" She asked.

"Umm, it actually flew into the Whomping Willow." Adrian replied, showing her broken broom. She looked to it, and then back to her team.

"Oh, I guess I'll just have to get a new one." She replied.


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