Year 4 - 40

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Gathering in the courtyard, everyone was saying goodbye to each other. It was time for the other schools to leave, so there were some happy goodbyes, some sad ones, some small ones, some big ones. It was strange to see so many friends coming from the other sides of the world, all sad to be parting ways. Cassiopeia was saying goodbye to Viktor, making sure to write each other. Then she turned to be embraced by Fleur, thanking her yet again for saving her sister. Cassiopeia and Fleur exchanged addresses and told the other to write. Others said goodbye in passing, and then Cassiopeia and her friends watched as the Durmstrang ship disappeared into the water and the Beauxbatons carriage disappeared into the clouds. After watching them go, Cassiopeia walked with Amelia and the Golden Trio. They stood in one of the entrance ways and Ron moved to be sitting on the ledge.

"Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" He asked the group.

"No." They all replied in unison.

"Nope, didn't think so. Oh well, what's life without a few dragons?" He replied, before climbing from the ledge. He then patted Harry's shoulder and the pair started walking until he realised that no one was following. The two boys turned back to look at the girls.

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione asked, while the other two nodded. Harry and Ron walked back over and Harry placed a hand on Hermione's shoulder. She looked up to him.

"Yes." He simply replied. Cassiopeia smiled at his bluntness. Hermione took a breath, recovering, and then continued to walk.

"Promise me you'll write this summer." Hermione said to the whole group. "All of you." Hermione added looking purposefully at Ron and Cassiopeia.

"I won't. You know I won't." Ron replied.

"Harry will, won't you?" Hermione asked him.

"Yeah, every week." He replied sarcastically. They laughed and moved into an empty balcony. Hermione then looked to Amelia.

"I will, I always do." Amelia replied with a smile. Then Hermione looked to Cassiopeia.

"You know what, I will too. But you all, other than Amelia, have to write with code names. My father will be mad if he finds out that we're messaging. Okay?" Cassiopeia replied.

"I will." Hermione said.

"Then I will too." Cassiopeia replied. Hermione smiled and brought the girl into a side hug. Cassiopeia returned the hug, everyone looking out at the beautiful scenery, completely contrasting the moment. Over these five teenagers' heads, two of them especially, was a horrible fate, a horrible future. So, this moment of peacefulness seemed unnatural, strange, out of place. But that's what it's going to be like for these five teens, they're going to have to live the next few years by living in the moment, taking every day as it comes. Because after all, that's all you can do when the coming war is hanging over everyone's heads.


And that's the end of Year 4!

Thanks for reading


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