Year 4 - 16

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The next day Harry and Cassiopeia ate breakfast together on the Gryffindor table and then made their way to the courtyard where they were hoping to find Cedric. As they did, they noticed that a lot of the students were wearing badges. Cassiopeia stopped a third year Slytherin and asked to see the badge. It was yellow and it read 'Cedric Diggory and Cassiopeia Reid' and in the middle was a picture of Cedric and Cassiopeia together. Then the badge spun, turning green, and revealed Harry's face being squashed by the words 'Potter stinks'.

"Where did you get this?" Cassiopeia asked the girl.

"Malfoy." She replied.

"Okay, thanks." Cassiopeia said, letting the girl go. "I'm going to kill him."

"Don't. It's who he is." Harry told her.

"It's not fair." Cassiopeia replied. They were then interupted by a small Hufflepuff running and barging between the pair.

"Cedric rules!" He exclaimed as he hit the pair.

"Thanks." Harry and Cassiopeia muttered sarcastically. They then saw Cedric through the window and made their way through the archway to him, but their path was blocked by two older Hufflepuff students.

"Like the badge?" The boy asked, shoving the badge in Harry's face.

"Excuse me." Harry said politely. But they laughed and didn't move. So Cassiopeia stood forwards, she ripped the badges off of the two students and then did the same with the four behind them.

"You are sorry excuses of people. You are supposed to be kind Hufflepuffs, instead you're acting like 3 year old children. I feel sorry for your parents and your future family, should you all not change your ways, you stand no hope." She spat at them and then shoved them out the way- them all landing on the floor- since she may have used her elemental powers to make them fall. "Shall we?" She then asked Harry. Harry looked at her in amusement and followed after her towards Cedric. Once they got there, Cedric was lying on a bench while his friends and himself were talking.

"Oooohhhh. Read the badge Potter." His friends said as he approached and Cedric sat up on the bench.

"Can we have a word?" Harry asked Cedric. Cedric looked shocked, but nodded.

"Alright." Cedric replied. As the trio walked off, the friends still taunted Harry.

"You stink Potter!" They called after them, but Harry ignored them and focused on Harry.

"Dragons. That's the first task." Harry told him.

"They've got one for each of us." Cassiopeia added.

"Come on, Ced!" One of the Hufflepuffs called.

"Are you serious?" Cedric asked. Harry and Cassiopeia nodded. "And Fleur and Krum, do they-?"

"Yes." Cassiopeia said.

"Come on, Ced. Leave them. They're not worth it." Another friend called.

"Right." Cedric said. Harry and Cassiopeia then went to walk away but Cedric stopped them. "Listen. About the badges, I've asked them not to wear them."

"Fat lot of good that did." Cassiopeia replied.

"Don't worry about it." Harry replied.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Cassiopeia replied with a smirk. They both looked to her.

"What are you planning?" Harry asked. Cassiopeia just smirked.

"You'll find out." Cassiopeia replied. They were skeptical, but nodded. She then made her way to Cedric's friend and stood on the bench. She ignored their comments while she used her wand to make her voice louder.

"Excuse me! Could I have everyone's attention please!" She called, her voice echoed through the courtyard and all those present came and looked at the girl. "Now, it has come to my attention that everyone has been wearing these new badges! I just thought that I would politely ask for everyone to remove them of their own accord!" Everyone just looked to her and laughed. Harry looked at Cassiopeia but saw her smirking.

"You really think we're going to listen to you and take them off?" A Hufflepuff asked.

"You know what? No, I didn't think you would. I just wanted to give you the option before I made you have to take them off." Cassiopeia replied.

"Oh yeah? Then tell us, oh great and insignificant champion, how are you going to do that?" A Hufflepuff asked.

"Last chance to take them off." Cassiopeia said, ignoring the question. No one moved to take them off. "Alrighty, them." She then waved her wand and smirked. Nothing happened and everyone started to laugh, as they watched her fail. But then one-by-one the laughter turned into an exclamation of pain as the badge delievered each of the wearers a nipple twist. Everyone was rushing to attempt to take off their badge, but was shocked as the badge twisted around further.

"Make it stop!" A Hufflepuff exclaimed.

"But I thought you were all so proud of your precious badges? I thought you were so set on embarrasing Harry and letting Hogwarts down? I offered you a chance to be decent human beings and take off the badges, but none of you did. This is all your fault." Cassiopeia snapped in response.

"We're sorry. Just please, make it stop." Another voice called out, she turned to see a Slytherin seventh-year.

"You are the only ones who can make it stop." Cassiopeia told them.

"How?" The Slytherin asked.

"You have to accept that Harry and I are Tri-Wizard champions, just as much as Cedric." Cassiopeia told them. "Until you do that, the badges will keep twisting." She then jumped of the bench and walked towards Harry. "Shall we go?" Harry nodded and they both walked away from the courtyard.

"Thanks for that, you didn't have to." Harry said to Cassiopeia.

"Yes, I did. They were being horrible to you. I had to teach them a lesson." Cassiopeia replied. Harry smiled to her and as they walked away, they came into the path of Ron and Seamus. Harry approached Ron.

"You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry snapped.

"You think so?" Ron asked.

"I know so." Harry replied.

"Anything else?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. Stay away from me." He replied.

"Fine." Ron replied, barging past Harry and off on his original path. Harry and Cassiopeia then continued to walk away, until Amelia called Cassiopeia.

"I'll be right back." Cassiopeia said, Harry nodded and watched as she walked off.


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