Year 4 - 2

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Kathryn's screams were what everyone in the house woke up to the following morning. Cassiopeia jumped out of her bed, in her nightoutfit, and ran through the halls of the house towards her aunt's bedroom.

"Is it time?" Cassiopeia asked as she entered the room, Ara and William behind her.

"The baby, it's coming." Kathryn said to the group. With those words everyone snapped into action. Rodger rushed and grabbed a bag of clothing. While Ara made her way over to Kathryn. While William made his way to wake Lyra, Bridgit and the twins. While Cassiopeia rushed and changed into a different outift. Together the family made their way from the house towards the wizarding hospital in Romania. When the group rushed in, Kathryn was ushed away from the group.

"Only two can go with her." The nurse said. Rodger immediately walked forwards.

"Cass, come with me, please." Rodger called.

"Me?" She asked. He nodded and Ara pushed her forwards. Cassiopeia rushed after Rodger and Kathryn. When she entered the room, she was forced to put her hair out of her face into a ponytail and she moved to stand beside Rodger. Kathryn reached out to her niece and grabbed her hand, along with her husband's hand. The nurses rushed around the room, preparing Kathryn for her delivery.


It had been half an hour before the contractions were closer and closer together. But the closer together they came the more painful they were. Kathryn was squeezing her company's hands tightly. Her pain was evident as her screams came out. The nurses rushed around as Kathryn's baby was ready to enter the world.

"Alright, Ms Rosier, are you ready?" The nurse asked.

"Just get the baby out of me!" She shouted between her contractions. The nurse nodded and Cassiopeia laughed. "Don't you laugh at me!" Kathryn demanded as she squeezed her neice's hand tighter.

"Then stop being so dramatic." Cassiopeia replied.

"You just wait until you have a child." Kathryn replied to her.

"Okay, Ms Rosier, now on your next contraction I want you to push as much as you can." The nurse told her, and Kathryn did as asked. It took a while but there was finally a sign of relief from Kathryn and the sound of baby's cries. Everyone's faces lit up as they knew that the baby lived. The nurse waved her wand and the baby was cleaned and wrapped in a blanket. "Congratuations, Mr and Ms Rosier, you have a healthy baby girl." She said while she passed the mother her child. Kathryn looked at the small child in her arms with love, while Rodger bent down beside her and kissed his wife on the head while looking at the small child. Cassiopeia stood beside them with a smile on their face, she hoped that Draco and herself would have this love when she was older. She hoped that they would be able to have their own child. They're own children. Cassiopeia didn't notice, but there were tears running down her face as she looked at the beautiful bundle of joy in her aunt's arms.

"Cass?" A voice said, she pulled out of her thoughts to see William standing in front of her, wiping a tear away from her face. "You okay?" He asked, she nodded then turned her attention back to everyone in the room.

"What are you going to call her?" Lyra asked her aunt and uncle. They exchanged a look.

"Kayla. Kayla Samantha Rosier." Kathryn told the group. A smile came onto their faces.

"That's beautiful." Cassiopeia said to the pair. Kathryn looked to her neice with a smirk.

"Have you been crying?" She asked, Cassiopeia nodded. "Now who's being dramatic." She teased.

"Go away." Cassiopeia replied, wiping the tears off her cheeks. The other laughed.

"Actually, is it alright if everyone leaves except Cass?" Rodger asked. Everyone nodded and made their way out the room while Cassiopeia looked in confusion.

"What's wrong?" She asked the pair.

"We were actually wondering if you'd be Kayla's godmother." Kathryn said. Cassiopeia's mouth dropped open in shock.

"What? Why? I'm 14. Ara would be a much better choice." She said, stumbling over her words.

"We spoke to Ara about it, telling her we wanted you. And she said that she agreed with us. You're such a good big sister and we know that you'll treat Kayla right and will always look after her. And we couldn't think of anyone better to look after her once we've gone." Rodger said.

"What'd you say?" Kathryn asked.

"I mean, I'd be honored." Cassiopeia replied with a smile. The pair smiled back.

"Would you like to hold your goddaughter?" Kathryn asked. Cassiopeia nodded, moving forwards and taking the child from Kathryn's arms. Cassiopeia looked down to the child as she rocked her in her arms side to side slowly. The first time holding the twins had meant a lot to Cassiopeia, but this seemed something different. To know that this child would become her own if something was to happen to Kathryn and Rodger. To know that now she could be the godmother that would spoil the child, since she didn't have this she wanted to make the most of it. She wanted to be the godmother that was more like a companion, more like a friend.

"She's beautiful." Cassiopeia told the pair. They smiled. Kathryn took Kayla off of Cassiopeia and the rest of the family came back into the room. It was this moment the family looked like a text-book happy family. But not is all as it seems. For even the arrival of someone new could change this. But they had a year to be happy- a year to not worry about the upcoming war. The upcoming event that could change everything. 


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