Year 4 - 17

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Harry then carried on through another archway and was stopped by a voice.

"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco's voice rang out. Harry turned to see him in a tree- however did notice that they weren't wearing any badges, and there was a pile on the floor. He knew that they must have accepted it for all of five seconds and then thrown the badges on the floor- and then went back to hating Harry straight away. "My father and I have a bet, you see? I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament." Draco then jumped down from the tree and his followers were then by his side. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." Draco and his followers laughed, but then Harry got angry and walked up to Draco.

"I don't give a damn what you father thinks, Malfoy." Harry snapped, pushing Draco back. "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic." Harry then walked away, but Draco went to cast a spell at Harry. But he was interupted by a spell coming towards him from Professor Moody. There was a flash of light and then Draco was transformed into a white ferret. All the students around were laughing.

"I'll teach you to cast a spell when someone's back is turned." Professor Moody said, using his wand to lift Draco up and down in the air. "You stinking, cowardly, scummy, backshooting, piece of filth." Professor Moody then send Draco down the trouser leg of Crabbe. Everyone is laughing as the boy attempted to get the animal out of his trousers, and Professor Moody sent a wink to Harry- who was happily laughing. Draco managed to make his way out of the trouser leg, and then before the Professor could inflict more harm, Cassiopeia rushed over and picked him up and held him to her chest. The ferret leant into her for warmth and comfort. "You want a turn, Lassie?" He asked her, menace in his eyes. He pointed the wand towards her. He casted the spell, but she was quicker. Within a second her wand was in the air and the spell was blocked. He glared to her. Everyone around had stopped laughing and was watching the exchange, watching the so-called 'Insignificant Champion' "You want to be brave, do you? You trying to show you're worth something?"

"No. I'm protecting my boyfriend." Cassiopeia replied. He then casted a non-verbal spell and her wand went from her hand into his, but Cassiopeia didn't look afraid. In fact she could have stopped the wand from leaving her hand if she wanted to- but she wanted to show that a wand wasn't everything.

"What are you going to do now, huh?" Professor Moody asked as he raised his wand at her again. He casted the transforming spell once again, but he looked shock when Cassiopeia raised her hand and the spell bounced off of it. His glare harderned once again. He sent another spell towards her, but she once again blocked it. The spell was followed by another, but each one she blocked until Professor McGonagall came over and blocked the final one.

"Professor Moody what do you think you're doing?" Professor McGonagall demanded to know.

"Teaching." The Professor replied.

"By shooting spells at a student? Who I might add is unarmed! And holding a ferret?" Professor McGonagall snapped, but the last sentence held a question.

"It's Draco." Cassiopeia told the woman, but keeping her eyes on Professor Moody- just incase he attempted to curse her once again. Professor McGonagall was completely shocked.

"Put him on the floor." The Professor asked Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia nodded and placed Draco onto the floor- Professor McGonagall then waved her wand and Draco was returned to his normal form. He was confused and dazed, but his sight snapped onto Professor Moody's.

"My father will hear about this!" He threatened.

"Is that a threat?!" Professor Moody demanded to know, making his way after Draco. Draco ran around a tree and back to the school- his followers following. "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"

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