Year 3 - 6

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After spending two weeks at Kathryn and Rodger's house, the Reid family began to pack for their journey back to their home. Cassiopeia had enjoyed the time with her family, she became very close with her aunt as they spoke about boys and friendships and also very close with Bridgit, who she was happy was coming to Hogwarts next year.

"We're leaving in ten!" Ara's voice shouted around the house. Cassiopeia closed her trunk and then took it to the living room. She put it beside the others, and then made her way to the study.

"Kathryn? Rodger?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Yes, dear?" Kathryn replied from a sofa in the room. Rodger was siting on a desk not far away.

"Wait here." Cassiopeia replied, she then rushed back to her room and grabbed the canvases for them. When she entered, she saw that the others were in there also, she held the canvases in a way that they couldn't see what was on the other side. When she entered again, their eyes looked to her. "I believe I owe you a painting."

"Oh, you didn't have to." Rodger said.

"I wanted to." Cassiopeia replied. She handed them the first one. They looked in shock at her skill.

 They looked in shock at her skill

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"Wow." Kathryn spoke. Staring in awe at the painting. "You have a talent."

"Thanks. I've actually done two more." Cassiopeia admitted, Cassiopeia then handed over the second painting. 

"The wolves are beautiful

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"The wolves are beautiful." Rodger said.

"I've got a thing for wolves." Cassiopeia replied, winking at William- who chuckled. "And I know that you said you didn't mind a painting of a drawing, so I thought I should do at least one of each." She then turned around the final canvas. At this one the pair looked at it with tears in their eyes.

 At this one the pair looked at it with tears in their eyes

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"That was the first night, as you were going to bed. I managed to commit the engagement to memory." Cassiopeia told them. Kathryn went over to her niece and wrapped her in a hug.

"They're beautiful." She said, and then Rodger joined the hug. The rest of the family then joined the hug.

"We're going to miss you." Rodger said to everyone.

"We'll be back when the baby is born, even if we have to pull Cassiopeia out of school for a few days." Ara replied.

"Um excuse me, I'm excited for this year. It's my electives year." Cassiopeia said to Ara, making the adults laugh.

"What electives are you taking?" Rodger asked.

"Actually, all of them." Cassiopeia replied.

"That's my bookworm of a big sister." Lyra commented, bringing Cassiopeia into another hug. Everyone in the room laughed.

Together the family then made their way to the fireplace, Cassiopeia took Leo from William, while he took the luggage. William, Ara, Phoebe, and Lyra went first.

"Bye." Cassiopeia said, just before she shouted her destination and landed in the living room at the Reid manor.


Short chapter, sorry.

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