Year 4 - 20

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Having a twin dorm for just Cassiopeia and Amelia was perfect as it meant they could have girl's nights. That's what they decided to do the weekend after the first task. Amelia and Cassiopeia had worked together to get food and drink from the kitchens, while gathering extra blankets and pillows, laying those out on the floor. They made the places as comfy as they could and made sure to have everything ready on time. A prefect came into their room, just as they'd finished, saying there was someone at the door for them. So they delivered the prefect a smile before making their way to the portrait hole.

"You came." Cassiopeia said with a smile as she saw the quartet they'd invited standing there. Hermione smiled at her.

"Of course we did." Ginny replied.

"Operation 'sneak you up into the dorms' is now in progress." Amelia said before turning, as if she was a spy. She then started to crawl around the room and to behind the sofas, making the girls at the door laugh. Amelia poked her head up from behind the sofa and shushed them. "You'll blow our cover, now let's go."

"Well, after you ladies. Leave your things and I'll carry them." Cassiopeia said.

"Are we really going to do this?" Brigit asked.

"Just humour her." Cassiopeia replied. Ginny laughed and started to follow Amelia, adding a few spy moves herself. Hermione followed, not bothering to try to be stealthy. Brigit then followed, and Cassiopeia turned to Luna.

"You're common room is beautiful." Luna commented.

"Yes, a bit cold at this time of year, and will be for the next few months, though." Cassiopeia replied.

"Do you need help with the bags?" Luna asked.

"Want to get out of crawling?" Cassiopeia asked with a laugh.

"I wanted to avoid the common room floors, they're infesting with Nargles." Luna replied, grabbing some bags.

"Oh, I didn't know that." Cassiopeia replied, not knowing what a Nargle is. "Well, it's good we're walking then."

"Yes, it is. I meant to say, you did amazing in the task, Cassiopeia." She replied. Cassiopeia looked to her with a smile.

"Thanks." Cassiopeia replied.

"Just in case you doubted it, I'm supporting you for the win." Luna replied.

"That means a lot, thank you, Luna." Cassiopeia replied with a smile as the pair entered the room. As soon as they entered and the bags were put on the floor, the girls' night began. Of course the night was filled gossip, painting nails, laughter, pillow fights, boy-talk. It was a nice difference for all of them, especially since everyone felt the stress Cassiopeia had been feeling due to the first task.

They ended the night by building a fort and bundling up in their piles of blankets. Sleeping until the afternoon.


Filler chapter sorry

Thanks for reading


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