Year 4 - 30

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Cassiopeia never thought that she'd manage to see the world through someone else's eyes while she was dreaming. So when she suddenly moved from the Slytherin Common room to the Forbidden Forest, she knew something was up. She was walking through the forest with Hagrid, Hermione and Ron. Considering there was a member missing, she could only assume she was seeing it through Harry's eyes. His sight was focused on a hat lying on the floor, and then his attention registering pain as his hand flew to his forehead. Walking around a tree, he stopped in his tracks. Lying there was a body.

"Mr Crouch?" Harry's voice echoed. The view zoomed in on Mr Crouch's face, before Cassiopeia awoke on the couch of the common room. There were people all around, she was in Draco's lap. She looked to him with a worried look.

"I've got to go. I'll see you in a bit." She rushed out, climbing up. She grabbed her slipper boots from the floor and threw them on before jumping up.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'll explain later." She replied, rushing from the common room. She ran as fast as she could until she could hear the other footsteps going in the same direction as her. She rushed and then crashed straight into a body. "Harry?" She said.

"Cass, what-" Harry started, but Cassiopeia cut him off.

"Were you just in the forest? And you found Mr Crouch's body?" She asked him. His eyes widened.

"How did you know?" He asked her.

"I dreamt it. It was like I was there. Like I was you." She explained.

"I'm on my way to Dumbledore. Want to come?" He asked and she nodded. Together they made their way to the office, and ascended the stairs in silent. Both thinking over what happened and how it was possible that Cassiopeia had seen it. Coming on the floor, Professor Dumbledore's voice could be heard from outside.

"A man has died, Fudge!" His voice said. "And he won't be the last, we must take action."

"I will not! In times like these the wizarding world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore." Cornelius Fudge replied.

"Then for once, show them some." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"The Tri-wizard Tournament will not be cancelled. I will not be seen as a coward." The Prime Minster replied.

"But surely that is what's right, no matter what others think." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"What did you say? What did you say to me?" The Minister replied. Harry and Cassiopeia had their hands ready to knock, before another voice broke through their bickering.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. It may interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private." Professor Moody's voice said, before there was the sound of opening. The door to Professor Dumbledore's office open. Both the kids with their hands up in their air, ready to knock. They lowered their hands slowly and looked to the group. The group looked to the pair and clearly noticed that one looked like she'd only just woken up, which was true. At this they knew it might have been important.

"Harry! Cassiopeia! How good to see you both again." The Minister greeted the pair.

"We can come back later, Professor." Harry said.

"Oh, not necessary, Harry, Cassiopeia. The Minister and I are done. I'll be back in a moment. Minister, after you." Professor Dumbledore replied, walking from his desk. Harry and Cassiopeia awkwardly entered the room, while the others moved to leave it. "Oh, Harry, Cassiopeia, do feel free to indulge in a liquorice snack in my absence. But I have to warn you, they're a bit sharp." He pointed to a bowl and took a treat himself before moving to the door. Professor Moody went after them and closed the door after him, leaving Harry and Cassiopeia alone in the office. Harry moved towards the sweats and took a handful. Cassiopeia then watched as they came to life and started to bite his hands.

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