Year 3 - 38

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"I'm sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit." Sirius said to Ron as the group walked out the tunnel. It was Ron, supported by Sirius and Harry, followed by Hermione and Amelia, then in the back was Cassiopeia, Professor Lupin and Pettigrew. Pettigrew kept sending glances at the girl, either in fear or wonder.

"A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off." Ron replied.

"Well, I was going for the rat." Sirius replied. "Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In face, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with, but the fleas. They're murder." Together the group came out of the hole in the whomping willow. Ron was sat down onto a rock, while Harry, Hermione and Amelia tended to him. Cassiopeia looked over to see Sirius standing on his own looking at the castle. Cassiopeia made her way to Harry.

"You'd better go." Ron said, despite the fact that Harry was tending to his leg.

"No, it's fine I'll stay." Harry replied, Cassiopeia made her way behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Go, we'll stay. You'll regret it if you don't." Cassiopeia told him. Harry looked to Ron, Ron nodded and with that Harry walked towards his godfather.

"That looks painful." Hermione commented.

"Yeah, really painful. I recon they might have to chop it." Ron replied. Cassiopeia looked up to Amelia with a knowing smirk. Together the pair backed away to let Ron and Hermione have their moment. Cassiopeia looked over to Sirius and Harry in jealously, no one there knew of course, but he was her godfather too. And to have him strangle her while he was supposed to care for her, it hurt.

After a moment of Pettigrew attempting to persuade the children to spare him from the dementors, Harry looked back from the group to Sirius.

"I would love for you to meet Cass properly." Harry said to the man. Sirius looked hesitant. "Please." He nodded.

"Cass!" Harry called then gestured her over. Cassiopeia looked to Amelia, and then back to Harry, shaking her head. He gestured she come over again, but she stepped back. Amelia rolled her eyes and in one swift movement Cassiopeia was on her shoulder. She was protesting the whole way until Amelia put her down besides the pair.

"I hate you." Cassiopeia mumbled to Amelia. Amelia just laughed and walked off. Leaving Cassiopeia alone with the pair, while she looked to the floor.

"Cass, this is Sirius. Sirius, this is Cass." Harry introduced. The pair didn't move. "This is where you shake hands." Sirius huffed and put his hand out. Cassiopeia looked to it and raised her hand. The pair noticed that it was shaking through the whole exchange. "There that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Yes, yes it was." Cassiopeia replied simply.

"Well since you're my godfather, and you're my friend. I needed to know you weren't going to kill each other as soon as I turn my back." Harry replied. Looking pointedly at Sirius.

"Harry, give us a second alone." Cassiopeia said. Harry looked at her in shock. But the glare she gave him was enough for him to back away. She then grabbed Sirius' arm and walked a little away. She waved her wand so that no one else could hear the conversation. "Look, I just want to put this behind us so that Harry is happy. I'm not saying we have to like each other, because I mean you nearly killed me and that's not something I forgive easily. But if it'll make Harry happy, we can be civil."

"Fine." Sirius replied. She then waved her wand and they walked back over to Harry.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"We're being civil." Sirius replied. Harry nodded. Cassiopeia then started to walk back to Harry when Hermione called out.

"HARRY!" She yelled. Everyone looked where Hermione was pointing to see the full moon coming out from behind the mountains. Sirius, Harry and Cassiopeia rushed back to the group. Sirius rushed to Professor Lupin- who was beginning his transformation.

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