Year 3 - 30

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Cassiopeia had a brilliant Christmas for once, she spent the day with William, Ara and the twins, and there were no arguments. Her friends had each brought her another charm for her bracelet, so now a star, a heart, a dragon, an owl, a 'C', a dream catcher and a tiara. She wasn't sure if she would be able to get any more on her wrist, but she loved the thought that each of her friends put into it. Cassiopeia had also got a beautiful necklace from Lyra (sent from Romania), it was of the Cassiopeia constellation. She had gifted Lyra with the same, but the Lyra constellation.

William and Ara had spoiled their children, all four of them

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William and Ara had spoiled their children, all four of them. With jewels, outfits, books, and musical instruments. And they all appreciated it, well the twins seemed happy.


Cassiopeia walked down the stairs to meet her parents at the bottom, once they heard her heels clicking along the floor their heads snapped up to look at her. They smiled as they saw her.

"Do I look okay?" She asked them. They nodded. She walked down and stood beside them, she took Leo from William's hold and put him against her waist. The twins were coming with them because Mrs Flint insisted that she wanted to meet them. William held out his arms.

"Shall we?" William asked. The pair nodded and took one of his arms. In an instant William apparated and the group were outside a Manor and music could be heard from the inside. William knocked on the door, and Marcus's father opened the door. He smiled at the new arrivals.

"Come in, come in." He said cheerfully. He greeted each of the family and together they entered the ballroom. Everyone was either dancing, talking with their friends, or getting food/drinks. Leo's hand placed upon her cheek was what pulled Cassiopeia back to reality. She looked down to the boy in her arms.

"Caca, danc'." He said. Cassiopeia smiled and walked towards the dancefloor. She held her little brother, in a little suit, close to her chest and swayed with the music. As she was lost in the music and looking down at her brother's face, she didn't notice her boyfriend coming towards her. She focused on her brother's face, so jumped when someone's hands were placed on her hips. But when she smelled Draco's aftershave, she spun to face him. Draco smiled at her, and she returned it. Cassiopeia and Draco shared a hug, being careful of Leo. Draco then looked down at the small boy hiding in his girlfriend's hair. Draco reached forward and moves Cassiopeia's hair as if opening a curtain.

"Hi there, little man." Draco said to the small boy. Leo mumbled a hello. Draco then held out his hand to the small boy, the boy looked to Cassiopeia in confusion. Cassiopeia then shook Draco's hand and turned to the boy.

"Now you do the same." She told him. Leo stretched his little hand out and grabbed Draco's finger and gave it a little shake.  Draco smiled and turned back to his girlfriend as Leo kept hold of his finger. "Did you want to hold him?" Cassiopeia asked him. Draco nodded. Cassiopeia then handed Leo over to Draco. Draco took him but was holding him like he was going to drop him at any second. "You don't have to hold him so tight, as long as you have an arm around him and you trust yourself, it'll be fine."

"Like this?" Draco asked once he moved his hands. Cassiopeia nodded, and then put her hands on Draco's shoulders. The three danced together, Leo smiling the whole time. On lookers from the edge of the ballroom smiled at the young couple, they saw the rarity of love. With pure-blooded families, it was inevitable that the children would have been pushed into an arranged marriage with another from the pure-blooded line. Meaning that it was rare that someone got to be with someone they truly loved. But with Cassiopeia and Draco, there was the happy reality that they were both purebloods and able to marry without it having to be forced upon them. There was no need for force, it happened naturally. They were destined to be together.

They spent the rest of the evening together, whether Leo was with them or whether they were dancing with Phoebe instead, or even with no child. They were falling deeper into their love as the evening went on. They were dancing together, when someone came behind the couple.

"When's the wedding?" A voice said from behind them. They both turned to see Lucius Malfoy standing there.

"Haha." Draco said sarcastically to his father. Lucius smirked at his son.

"Hello, Mr Malfoy." Cassiopeia greeted.

"Hello, Ms Reid." Lucius greeted in return. "Draco, it's time to go. Ms Reid, your parents are waiting for you in the entrance way." Together the trio then walked to the atrium where William, Ara, Leo, Phoebe and Narcissa were waiting. When the trio reached them, they made their way to the door. Draco and Cassiopeia gave each other a hug and small kiss goodbye, and with that the two families apparated their way home.


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