Year 4 - 6

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The Reid family was eating breakfast in their dining room, when Kathryn's voice rang out.

"William?" She called.

"In the dining room." He called back. The door to the dining room then opened and in came Kathryn, Rodger, Bridgit and Kayla. They joined the table, and a house elf was told to prepare more food. They ate as a family, with Bridgit and Ara talking about Hogwarts, considering that they were off to school later that morning.

Once they finished breakfast, the Reid family went upstairs to get ready for the trip, while the Rosier family were saying goodbye to each other. Once everyone was ready, with some tearful goodbyes from the Rosier family, the Reid family (minus Leo and Phoebe who were with the Rosier family) and Bridgit made their way to Platform 9¾. Bridgit seemed to be a bundle of nerves while she pushed her trolley. Cassiopeia reached over and put a gentle hand on her shoulder and gave her a little squeeze in reassurance. Bridgit looked to Cassiopeia with a smile. After the attack at the Quidditch match, Cassiopeia's scars had healed. She had gained some serious burns along her right arm and hand, but now they were left as red scars- not like the ones on her wrist- but they looked a little like sunburn mainly because magic was able to make it heal better. But now she felt that if worse came to worse and someone saw her wrists, she could make the excuse that it happened in the fire- but she would still keep them hidden. The scarring on her hand was what was noticeable, not because it looked any worse from the rest of her arm but because the others could be hidden by clothing. The issue was this was that Cassiopeia was starting to feel insecure. She wasn't sure why Draco would like someone like her, a girl covered in scars- not that he had seen most of them. That's what she was worried out, what would he say once he saw all the scars? Would he just pack up and leave? Or would their love be stronger than just looks? -which she hoped with all her heart. She didn't care about looks; she was more for personality. And her heart knew he was the same, but her head doubted. Her head always doubted.

A hand on her shoulder jolted her out of her trance, she looked to see they had reached platform 9 and 10, and Ara was in front of her.

"You alright?" Ara asked. Cassiopeia nodded and put her thoughts to the side and focused on Bridgit.

"Did you want me to go with you?" Cassiopeia asked, after gesturing for Ara to take her own trolley. Bridgit sent her a nod. Cassiopeia put her arm around Bridgit's shoulders and held the trolley with her. Together they ran towards the wall and came through the other side to platform 9¾. Bridgit's eye lit up as she saw the train which made Cassiopeia smile, remembering her thoughts were amazements as well. The rest of the family came through shortly afterwards, and Cassiopeia told Bridgit that she needed to give her trunk and pet, which she had a cat, to the bag-handler. Once they did, they came back to the others. The Reid family said their goodbyes, each wishing Bridgit luck and reminding her that Cassiopeia was there for her. Cassiopeia then said her goodbyes, it was Lyra's goodbye that stood out for her.

"Cassie, I know what you're thinking." Lyra said.

"What am I thinking?" Cassiopeia asked. Lyra gently grabbed Cassiopeia's right hand.

"You're self-conscious about your scars. Don't be. Do you want to know what I see?" Lyra replied.

"What?" Cassiopeia replied.

"I see something different. I see them as a mark of someone that has gone through something. They show me that you've gone through something horrible, and you've survived. You've survived and thrived and you're still living. You're living proudly and strong. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Lyra spoke. Cassiopeia looked to her little sister in awe.

"I love you so much, Lele." Cassiopeia said, bringing her sister into a hug.

"I love you, too." Lyra replied. "Now, enjoy this last year of freedom before you have to see me every day." She said with a smile.

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