Year 3 - 41

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The group left the river and made their way back to Buckbeak.

"We need to fly to save Sirius." Cassiopeia concluded.

"But we won't all fit." Hermione replied. Cassiopeia just smiled. She brought her fingers to her lips and whistled. The whistle echoed through the forest and the sound of hooves was heard. Then out of the shadows came Fleetwing. Cassiopeia smiled and bowed to the Hippogriff. He returned the bow and approached her.

"Let's go." Cassiopeia said. And with that Hermione and Harry climbed onto Buckbeak, while Cassiopeia and Amelia climbed onto Fleetwing. The pair of Hippogriffs flew through the air, gliding through the clouds.

"You were right, Hermione." Harry said. "It wasn't my mum and dad I saw before. It was myself and Cass. I saw us conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time because, well, I'd already done it. Does that make sense?"

"No." Hermione's voice called out. "But I don't like flying-" But her words turned into a scream as Buckbeak and Fleetwing began to descend. Cassiopeia and Amelia laughed in happiness as they flew through the air, enjoying the wind against their face. They made it to the cell that held Sirius and landed on the ground. Cassiopeia jumped off first, followed by Hermione.

"Protego!" Cassiopeia incanted and a blue shield appeared around Sirius.

"Bombarda!" Hermione incanted afterward. And the lock of the cell, along with the part of the wall it was connected to, was blown apart. The rocks flew everywhere but bounced away from Sirius because of the shield charm Cassiopeia had casted. The group got back onto the Hippogriffs, Sirius joining the pair on Buckbeak, and they flew away from the cell towards the courtyard. Sirius was laughing in happiness and whooping in glee. The pair of Hippogriffs landed on the floor and the group started to get off. Sirius giving Hermione a hand, and then moving over to give Amelia and Cassiopeia a hand. Amelia accepted his help and was lifted off by the man. Cassiopeia looked to him warily. But Sirius gestured that he would help and she began to trust him. He carefully put his hands on her waist and helped her off the creature. She delivered him a smile. Cassiopeia told Fleetwing to go back to the forest and he obliged. The group all then came around the corner to talk.

"I'll be forever grateful for this." Sirius told the group. "To all of you."

"I want to go with you." Harry told his godfather.

"One day, perhaps. But sometime my life will be too unpredictable. And besides you're meant to be here." Sirius replied.

"But you're innocent." Harry insisted. Sirius guided him to take a seat on the bench while the older man knelt in front of him.

"And you know that. And, for now, that'll do." Sirius replied. Hermione moved away towards Buckbeak to give the pair privacy, while Amelia and Cassiopeia moved to the side. "I expect you're tired of hearing this, but you look so much like your father. Except your eyes, you have-"

"My mother's eyes." Harry said happily, sharing a look with Cassiopeia- who gave him a smile.

"It's cruel I got to spend so much time with James and Lily, and you so little." Sirius replied. "But know this. The ones that love us never really leave us. You can always find them in here." He finished by putting a hand on Harry's heart.

"Oh my god." Cassiopeia commented. The pair turned to her. "You're Padfoot!" She exclaimed. He looked to her in shock.

"How would you know that." Sirius asked.

"I was told that quote once, and I was told it was said by Padfoot." Cassiopeia replied with a smile. Sirius got up from his place on the floor with Harry and made his way over to her.

"Who told you that?" He asked.

"I assume you can guess, Sir." Cassiopeia replied with a smile. Not minding if he knew her secret- for once she was happy for someone to know. He gave her a genuine smile.

"I believe I can." He said softly. He then made his way over to Buckbeak and climbed on. The others joined him. "You know you two really are the smartest witches of your age." He said to Hermione and Cassiopeia. Hermione and Cassiopeia smiled to him. Buckbeak the reared on his hind legs and then started to run. They watched as the free bird and the free man flew off into the moonlight. Escaping the horrors they would have faced. They smiled as they watched, but then there was the chime of the bell in the background.

"We have to go!" Cassiopeia and Hermione exclaimed in unison. They knew they had to get back to the Hospital wing before the final chime of the bell. So, the quartet ran through the corridors of the school. Until they made it to the doors of the Hospital Wing out of breath. When they got there, Professor Dumbledore was closing the doors. He closed them and turned back around to see the group.

"Well?" He asked.

"We did it, Sir." Harry breathed out.

"Did what?" The Headmaster asked, blue eyes twinkling. "Goodnight." Giving a little wave as he walked down the stairs and away from the group. The group then walked to the doors and pushed them open a little, just in time to watch their past selves disappear. They all walked into the room.

"How did you get there?" Ron asked, pointing to them. "I was just talking to you there." He changed the direction of his point to where they just disappeared. "And now you're there."

"What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione asked Harry.

"I don't know." Harry said. "Honestly, Ron, how could anybody be in two places at once?" Making the group laugh.

"I think this night has just been a bit much for him." Cassiopeia added. "Don't you agree, Amelia?"

"Yeah, I mean honestly, now you're seeing things." She replied, making them laugh again.


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