Year 3 - 11

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As promised, at seven in the morning, William came in and woke Cassiopeia up. She did what he asked and changed into a pair of shorts and sports bra. She then followed him to the dungeons, when she got back down there, she felt a sense of familiarity. She knew that she wouldn't be away from the dungeons for too long, it had actually longer than she had expected.

William walked her in and gestured to the chains, she sat below them and he put them on her wrist extra tight. He then took his wand out and pointed it at her.

"omina incantamentum do, duplex erit." ['All spells I produce, will be doubled'] William casted, waving his wand back and forth over Cassiopeia.

And then it began. Ara was right, and this was an intense torture. Cassiopeia was barely conscious after the first day. William looked down at Cassiopeia and sighed, he hated to admit it, but he missed the torture sessions. Not that he enjoyed hurting her, he just enjoyed inflicting pain onto anyone. He watched as her eyes slowly closed, leaving her asleep, with a raspy breath. He left the dungeons and made his way to the kitchens to grab himself a meal. As he did, Ara entered the room.

"How was it?" She asked him. He looked to her.

"She's stayed quite strong, it was only towards the end she started to break." He told her. She nodded.

"Can you answer me something, honestly?" She asked him. He looked to her and nodded. "Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked. He nodded with a sigh. "Promise me you won't use this as a start in torturing Lyra."

"I promise. I will only hurt them if they deserve to be, like punishment." He replied. She nodded.

"Let's go and get some sleep." She told him, and the pair made their way to their bedroom.


Short chapter sorry.

Thanks for reading


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