Year 3 - 27

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In Hogsmede, Hermione, Ron, Amelia and Cassiopeia were standing and looking at the Shrieking Shack in the distance.

"It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermione said to the group.

"Twice." Ron replied.

"Oh, did you want to move a bit closer?" Hermione asked.

"What?" Ron asked, getting the wrong impression.

"To the Shrieking Shack." Hermione explained.

"Oh, no. I'm alright here." Ron replied.

"Sure." Cassiopeia's said, and she started walking towards the edge of the gate.

"What? Cass? Why would you want to get closer to that place? It's the most haunted building in Britain." Amelia said to her friend. Cassiopeia turned and made a gesture that said 'you just answered the question' and then she walked closer to the gate. But before she could go any closer, a voice came from the forest.

"Well, well, well. Look, who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home? It's a bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasel-Bee? Don't your family sleep in one room?" Draco taunted, coming closer with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy." Ron replied.

"Oh, not very friendly." Draco said. "Boys, I think it's time we teach Weasel-Bee how to respect his superiors."

"Hope you don't mean yourself." Hermione said stepping forwards.

"How dare you talk to me! You Filthy Little Mud-blood!" Draco sneered in response. But then a snowball hit him on the side of the neck, everyone's heads whipped in the direction the ball came from. But there was no one there.

"Who is that?" He called. But suddenly another snowball came flying and it hit him. More snowballs came in the direction of the three Slytherin boys.

"Don't just stand there, do something." Draco said to Crabbe.

"Like what?" He replied. Then Goyle's hat was pulled over his eyes, while Crabbe's trousers were pulled down to his ankles. Crabbe reached down to pull them up, but was kicked over. He landed face-first into the snow. Goyle was twisted around with his scarf, while Draco moved back and tripped over Crabbe. Draco's legs were suddenly pulled into the air and he was dragged to the gate of the Shrieking Shack, Draco was attempting to stop himself, yelling in fear. When his feet were dropped, he then ran back towards the trees, pushing over his minions as they were in his way. The group of four were left laughing, and then Ron's toggles on his hat were pulled up, along with Hermione's hair following. Then they were lowered and Cassiopeia's hat was pulled off her head, and Amelia's hair was lifted up and down.

"Harry." The girls all called out at once between laughter. But Ron was in fear. Harry emerged from under the cloak laughing, while Ron turned to him.

"Bloody hell, Harry. That was not funny." Ron said.

"Oh, it was. You should have seen your face, Ronald." Cassiopeia managed to say, laughing, as she picked up her hat.

The group then made their way through the village, and Harry told them about the map.

"Those Weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map." Ron said.

"But Harry isn't going to keep it, he's going to turn it in to Professor McGonagall." Hermione said. "Aren't you?"

"Sure. Along with his invisibility cloak." Ron replied sarcastically.

"Oh, look who it is. Madame Rosmerta." Amelia said casually. "Ron fancies her."

"That's not true." Ron defended, then they looked over as they heard more voices.

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