Year 4 - 14

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It was the following day when the report came into the paper. Cassiopeia had come into the Great Hall to find her friends calling her over. She went over and looked to see Draco holding the paper in his hand, and the others looking at it.

"Please don't tell me that's the report from that Skeeter woman." Cassiopeia said to them.

"It is." Draco replied, holding out the paper towards her. Cassiopeia took it in her hand and looked at the front. There were two clear columns. At the top of each, one held a picture of Harry on his own while the other had a picture of Cassiopeia. Harry's one was filled with comments about his parents 'Sometimes at night, i still cry about them', 'I know nothing will hurt me during the tournament, because they're watching over me', 'His eyes are swimming with the ghosts of his past'. Cassiopeia looked over to see Harry looking at copy of the Daily Prophet with anger in his eyes. Cassiopeia then looked to the column with her picture in it. There was a title underneath:


'Hogwart's third champion, Cassiopeia Reid, may not be the youngest competitor in the competition, but she is by far the most insignificant. Comparing her to the three older students and The Boy Who Lived, there is some question about whether she will survive even the first task. When asked whether she felt out of place with the other students, Cassiopeia replied 'No, I'm stronger than them. I know I can do it'. Was this a good response? To me this seems like the response of someone who is being nieve. Will this blind faith be what brings her to her downfall?

Asking about her parents, she replied 'Yes, they're disappointed. Entering my name into the Goblet was something I did on my own accord, and they weren't pleased. But I don't care. They don't control me'. This clear disrespect to her parents could show this thrive to prove herself. Her entering the Tri-Wizard tournament could have just been an attempt to show she exists. Her father is William Reid, and with him being the second in command to the Minister of Magic, it makes us wonder whether he would be proud. His daughter clearly breaking the rules set by his own boss, his own organisation. This idea of being kept in the shadows could be what led Cassiopeia to join the tournament.

A fellow student was asked what their thoughts was about Cassiopeia and when asked whether they thought she could win, the student replied 'No. There's no way she could win. I've seen her in class, she doesn't have the skill to turn a beetle into a button, let alone do anything well in this tournament.' The student in question wished to be anomynous but the response was clear. It seems that Cassiopeia Reid lacks the skills that are needed to compete equally against the other competitors.

We also consulted with her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, in the matter, and his reply was as such, 'I think Cassiopeia could win. I have faith in her.' However shortly after saying this, our sources tell us that the couple in question were having a 'lovers-tiff' in the Slytherin common room. It was said to be an explosive confrontation and one that could leave Cassiopeia without any friends going into this tournament. A student told me 'Cassiopeia is very controlling in her relationship with Draco. I wouldn't be surprised if she had him under a love potion, it would explain why he's even giving her the time of day. Draco Malfoy is more than Cassiopeia deserves, and I think that the tournament could do us a favour and kill her off. It would save Draco from her spell and save the rest of us from her annoying presence.'

I asked her competitors what they thought of her entry. The response was a mixed one. The Beauxbaton's champion, Fleur Delacour stated that she was happy to have another girl in the tournament, but that she thought Cassiopeia was a cheat for entering the way she did. And as they always say 'Cheaters never prosper'. Durmstrang's champion, Viktor Krum, stated that he was shocked at the fifth entry to the competition. Our inside sources tell us that Viktor Krum and Cassiopeia Reid have been pen-pals for over two years, however what we found strange was that Mr Krum found nothing nice to say about Cassiopeia when asked how she would do in the tournament. It was a clear sign of him changing the subject so he wouldn't have to answer. The eldest Hogwart's champion Cedric Diggory, stated that he didn't mind Cassiopeia being in the tournament, 'It gives Hogwarts a better chance, however the odds are clearly unfair'. Cedric being a Hufflepuff himself, shows this idea of Loyalty. However how loyal will the champions be when faced with the three tasks? Finally, the Second Hogwart's champion was faced with the same question about Cassiopeia, and Harry replied 'I've known Cassiopeia for a while, been in many classes together, and never have I seen the skill she will need to complete the tasks. If I'm honest it will help me, giving me someone to compare to. And I know that no matter how badly I do, which I won't, I will have someone beneath me to compare to. If Cassiopeia Reid beats me, then I will not be happy with myself at all'.

So, there it is. There is the inside scoop about our Fifth and Insignificant champion. I will have more to report as the tournament go on.'

Cassiopeia looked up from the paper to see all the students in the Great Hall staring at her. She just sighed and walked out the Great Hall. She knew that the interview went bad, but she didn't think that Rita Skeeter would have been able to write something so horrible about her. She did want to know who the student was, she had a feeling it was Pansy, but she had no proof. She was brought out of her thoughts by bumping into someone. She looked up to see Professor Dumbledore standing before her.

"Ms Reid, care for a stroll?" He asked her. Cassiopeia nodded and linked her arm with his outstretched arm. They walked in silence for a moment until the Headmaster broke it. "I hope you're not thinking about the newspaper article."

"No, why would I be thinking about the article that has made me look awful and will probably be in every wizarding home in the country by now?" Cassiopeia replied.

"Because not many people like Rita's work, and those that do are wrong to and you will show them that in the first task." The Headmaster replied.

"Will I?" Cassiopeia asked. "What if I'm like she says. What if I fail?"

"You won't." The Headmaster replied.

"And how do you know that?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Because I believe in you." He replied- sincerity in his blue eyes-, and then he walked towards his office. Leaving Cassiopeia to think over what he had said. She like to believe he was right, she wanted to believe she was brave. But sometimes, she just felt so scared.


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