Year 3 - 10

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Cassiopeia had left Lyra alone a short time ago, knowing that with William and Ara being preoccupied they couldn't tend to Leo or Phoebe. So, she decided to tend to them instead. She found the two lying awake in their cots, she walked towards them and they smiled at her.

"Caca." Leo said. He had still found that Cassiopeia was his favourite. Whereas Phoebe's first word was 'mama', meaning that William lost the bet.

"Hey there." She greeted walking over to the pair. She picked Leo from his cot, and then walked over and did the same to Phoebe. She held them both and did a little dance in the room, making the pair laugh. She was doing a spin, when Poppy apparated in.

"Hello, Cass. Poppy has been sent by Master Reid to bring you to his study." Poppy said. Cassiopeia nodded to her and put the twins back in their cots. She then turned to Poppy and together they walked to their destination. She knocked and entered, where she saw the party of five were awaiting her. She walked in and went towards William.

"How can I help?" She asked.

"Please, sit." William said. She nodded and sat beside him. She then turned her attention to the Minister.

"Miss Reid, we were hoping we could discuss something quite serious with you. we have spoken to your parents first, and they have decided it would be best to tell you." The Minister said, she nodded. "What do you know about Sirius Black?" The Minister asked.

"Do you want my textbook answer?" She asked him. He nodded, not really sure what she meant.

"Sirius Black is the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, and the brother of Regulus Black, born on 3rd November 1959. He was the best friend of James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Marc Lewis. These five were known as the Marauders in their school says, known for their pranks. He, along with his four friends, belonged to Gryffindor house when at Hogwarts. This was unlike the rest of his family, who had belonged to Slytherin house. He ran away from his home to James Potter's house when he was 16. He was imprisoned in Azkaban in 1981 after murdering Peter Pettigrew and 13 muggles with only one curse. He has recently escaped Azkaban, leaving everyone wondering how this is possible." Cassiopeia rambled. The adults in the room looked at her in shock.

"I see what you meant about 'textbook answer'." Kingsley Shacklebolt commented. "How did you know all that?"

"I get bored and I read random books, one was about the different offenses at Hogwarts, and the Marauders featured a lot in that. So, I read about them." Cassiopeia told him. He nodded.

"Well, I guess I don't need to tell you much about his past then." Cornelius said. Cassiopeia shook her head. "Anyway, as you know he has escaped Azkaban. As you also mentioned, we don't know how. But right now, we are trying to warn people of certain things. You see when he was in Azkaban, he talked in his sleep and we think that you need to hear this." He then brought out his wand. He flicked it and then a little blue ball appeared in the middle of them [A/N look above for an idea], from the ball a rough voice started speaking.

"They're at Hogwarts. They're at Hogwarts. Cassiopeia Reid. She will perish. Bellatrix Lestrange's goddaughter. They're at Hogwarts." The voice repeated. The Minister then made the ball disappear, and she looked to him.

"Why is he after me?" She asked them.

"We are unsure at the moment, we just know that he is." Jason Dawlish replied.

"He said 'they're at Hogwarts'. Who else is he after?" Cassiopeia asked. The three from the Ministry exchanged a look.

"Harry Potter." Cornelius said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Sirius Black was Lily and James Potter's secret keeper, along with the secret keeper of Amanda and Marc Lewis. He betrayed their trust, and he gave their location to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and this led to the death of all four of them. Harry coming out with his life and scar, and then there was Amanda and Marc's daughter called Evangeline. We believe now that he wants to finish what his Lord couldn't." Kinglsey said.

"What happened to their daughter?" Cassiopeia asked.

"The night of the attack, 30th October 1981, three Aurors made it to the house, and managed to save the girl before it was too late. They took her away and placed her in a muggle orphanage. She was adopted shortly after, but the people wanted it anonymous, so that the birth parents couldn't come and take her back- not that they knew that they couldn't. And no one has heard of her since." Jason explained.

"Oh, so does that mean that Sirius Black will go after her too?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Maybe, but since even the Ministry doesn't know where she is, I doubt that he will find her." The Minister said. She nodded. "Anyway, we just want to make sure that you'll be careful this year, while he is out. We promise to do what we can to find him and arrest him again."

"Thank you for telling me." She said. They nodded.

"I'll show you out." Ara said, walking out the study with the three Ministry workers. Once they had gone, William turned to Cassiopeia.

"You okay?" He asked. She nodded.

"What time do we start tomorrow, sir?" She asked him, getting away from the topic of Sirius Black.

"I'll come and wake you at seven." He told her, she nodded and made her way back to her room. Knowing that this would be her last time in here for a while.


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