Year 4 - 24

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(Outfit above^^)

It was time for Cassiopeia to get to the Great Hall herself, so she made her way there. She told Theodore that she would meet him there, so she was walking alone. She had casted a silencing spell on her shoes so no one would know she was there, so she could have a moment to compose herself before she had to show herself. As she arrived at the hall, she hid around the corner for a moment, gaining confidence to show herself in front of everyone. She could hear Professor McGonagall talking to the other champions.

"Where's Ms Reid?" The Professor asked Theodore.

"I'm not sure, Professor." He replied.

"Maybe she chose not to come. I mean her dress was ruined and her hair is now a ghastly, bright purple. Maybe she took the hint and won't turn up." Pansy sneered among the people standing in the entrance hall. Cassiopeia started to back up the corridor, but she could still hear the response.

"That is not helping, Ms Parkinson." The Professor snapped. "We need her now."

"I'm sure she's coming, Professor." Amelia assured the Professor. Cassiopeia then undid the spell on her shoes and started to walk down the corridor.

"I hear someone coming down the corridor, Professor." Hermione commented, as Cassiopeia started to walk. She took a deep breath and turned the corner, but she didn't get the reaction she was expecting. As soon as she came around the corner, everyone stared at her. She looked down at her outfit, thinking something was wrong, she continued walking down the stairs and locked eyes with Draco. His eyes were wide and jaw was dropped, but she then found the gaze of Theo and walked towards him. She heard some of the people's comments and smiled when she heard they were good. When she reached Theodore, he took her hand and she curtseyed to him. She noticed everyone was still looking, but she ignored it. Theodore then pulled her in for a hug, knowing she needed the stability for the moment.

"Do I look okay?" Cassiopeia whispered into his ear.

"Yeah." He whispered back. "You look beautiful." Cassiopeia smiled to him as they pulled apart.

"Shall we?" Cassiopeia asked, Theodore nodded and together they joined the line of champions and their dates, outside Great Hall. The champions went in first and had their beginning dance, and gradually other partners began to join the dance. Theodore and Cassiopeia danced for a little while, when they walked away to get a drink, Theodore noticed that Draco was watching Cassiopeia, he slightly nodded to him.

"Cassiopeia, will you do me a favour?" Theodore asked her. She nodded. "Dance with him, I know you want to." She turned to see Draco approaching.

"Theo, I can't, he broke my heart, and-" Cassiopeia said, but Theo cut her off.

"And only he can heal it." Theodore said, "Go."

"Cassiopeia, will you dance with me?" Draco asked, holding out his hand for her to take. Theodore nudged Cassiopeia.

"Yeah, sure." Cassiopeia replied, taking his hand.  He guided her over to the dancefloor just as a slow song came on.

The pair then began to dance, so lost in the dancing and the song that they didn't realise that everyone else had left the dance floor to give them space. They bowed/curtseyed at the beginning and then came together to dance. They swayed back and forth to the music, Cassiopeia was letting Draco guide her through the steps, spins, turns and dips. Listening to the words of the song made Cassiopeia miss being a couple with Draco. When drifting to the slow part of the song, Cassiopeia looked up to Draco, seeing him already looking at her, he spun her around when the song picked up tempo and they danced around.

Everybody watched in awe as the pair danced, just focusing on each other, and nothing else. As the final slow verse of the song was sung, the two stood still together and Draco lifted Cassiopeia's arms and brought them down to her side, one and then the other. Then upon the penultimate line, Draco lifted Cassiopeia and she was slowly lowered, keeping eye contact. When he lowered her to the floor, and the final line was sung, their foreheads were pressed together and they looked to each other, and as if in sink they both leaned in, locking their lips together. Everyone cheered, and the pair broke apart. They both blushed and then moved toward the exit of the Great Hall.


When they made it to the Astronomy Tower, the pair looked to each other and burst out in smiles. Draco took her hand.

"Cass?" Draco began, she looked to him. "I understand that I have been a horrible boyfriend and I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I just want to ask you if you're willing to be my girlfriend?"

"Can you say to me that you'll believe me next time?" Cassiopeia asked, not wanting to rejoin the relationship without knowing that this wouldn't happen again.

"I can promise you I won't. I know how I treated you was wrong, I really do. I was stupid and selfish and I shouldn't have taken any of my problems out on you." Draco replied. 

"Well, next time talk to me about your problems. If we were to be in a relationship, I want to know that you would come to me." Cassiopeia replied. 

"I promise I will." Draco replied. "I will try to do better, be better."

"You don't need to be anyone other than yourself. No one other than the brilliant guy I fell in love with." Cassiopeia replied. 

"Is that a yes?" Draco asked. 

"Yes." Cassiopeia replied, bringing her lips to his. They shared a passionate kiss before deciding to go back to the party. When they got back, the pair made their way back to Theodore.

"You're welcome." Theodore said when he saw the pair, they looked to him with a raised eyebrow. "I'm the one who made you two dance together." He clarified, the pair laugh at him, but thanked him nonetheless.

After the ball finished at midnight, everyone made their way back to the dorms and fell asleep, most with smiles on their faces. But two students, both were met with nightmares waiting for them.

~Cassiopeia's dream~

Cassiopeia's sights were focused on the gravestone coming into view. One that was in the shape of a grim reaper. Her sights then went into the face under the hood, the face that was a skull. The scene then changed into the old creaky house, there door of the room was open. As Cassiopeia walked up the stairs she could see into the room.

"Let me see it again." Voldemort's voice asked from the chair. The man obliged and lifted his sleeve. There was a mark on it, one that Cassiopeia was familiar with. The Dark Mark. However, it wasn't faded like the one she'd always seen on William's arm. It was darker, more visible. "Ah yes, the time is close now. Cassiopeia! At last!" Wormtail then came to the door and looked at Cassiopeia. "Step aside Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting!" Her eyes were then filled with a green light.

~End of Dream~

Cassiopeia's eyes snapped open, she was welcomed by the sight of Amelia entering the room. She had left Amelia with Blaise when she ball. They were enjoying themselves, so she didn't want to ruin anything.

"You alright, Cass?" Amelia asked. Cassiopeia nodded, but she could feel the cold sweat covering her body.  "I just got in. Blaise, he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"That's amazing, Mia. I'm really happy for you. I always thought you'd get together." Cassiopeia replied. "Get some rest. We've got the journey home tomorrow."


Thanks for reading


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