Year 3 - 4

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"Cass?" A voice asked her. She pulled her head out her wardrobe and saw William entering her room.

"Morning, sir." She replied, her head going back into the wardrobe. "What kind of outfit should I wear? For cold or for warm?"

"Warm, I guess. It doesn't matter that much." William replied. Cassiopeia took her chosen outfit from the wardrobe, and laid it on the bed.

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Because it's a surprise." He replied. "And we're leaving in an hour." She nodded and once he left the room, she began to change. She showered and put her hair in a messy bun, then she put on her summery outfit, complete with a pair of high-top white converses. Once she was changed, she put her wand in her bag and then made her way to see her family. She went to Lyra's room, and saw that she was still sleeping. Cassiopeia smiled and then made her way to the twins' room. When she entered, they were awake and laying in the cot. She walked over to them and their faces lit up.

"Hey, munchkins." She greeted them, they smiled. "Have you been fed?" She asked, even though they couldn't reply. She walked over to grab the two bottles to the side, ready for whoever came in once they had awoken. Cassiopeia used her wandless magic to heat up one of the bottles. She tested it on her wrist, and then picked up Phoebe. "I'll be back, Leo." She told the other child, Leo cocked his head to the side, making Cassiopeia laugh. Cassiopeia sat in the chair next to the cot and started to feed Phoebe, Phoebe's brown eyes looked up at Cassiopeia in happiness while she was being fed. Cassiopeia rocked gently back and forth on the chair while Phoebe drank the milk. Once she finished drinking, Cassiopeia then held Phoebe, and rubbed her back. Cassiopeia then put her back in the cot, and moved onto Leo. She heated the second bottle and tested it, then she grabbed her brother from the cot. She did the same with Leo, as she had with Phoebe. Once he had finished, Cassiopeia held him on her chest, and then the door opened.

"Thank you, so much." Ara said as she walked through the door, Cassiopeia smiled at her. "They were up four times last night."

"It's alright don't worry about it. Soon they'll get in a pattern." Cassiopeia assured Ara.

"Really, Cass. I can't express how grateful I am to you that you care for them the way you do." Ara said. Cassiopeia smiled.

"Ca-Ca." A voice sounded, both Ara and Cassiopeia stared in shock and the male child laying on her chest.

"What did you say?" Ara asked her son.

"Caca." Leo repeated, Cassiopeia looked to Ara in shock, and then back to Leo in love.

"I'm sorry." Cassiopeia said to Ara. Ara looked in shock.

"What for, Cass?" Ara asked.

"I stole his first word from you." Cassiopeia said to her.

"Nonsense, don't worry. You deserve it, he loves you and you love him. Let's just hope Phoebe's first word isn't dada. We've made a bet." Ara replied. "And you've made his chances slimmer, now it's only one child we have to make the decision on who wins."

"So, you're sure you're not mad?" Cassiopeia asked. Ara nodded. Cassiopeia then turned to Leo.

"I love you, little Leo." Cassiopeia said to her brother. Leo put his hand on her cheek and smiled.

"Time to go." William's voice sounded at the door of the room.

"Oh, Will. Guess what. Leo said his first word." Ara told her husband, he came over in shock.

"What was it?" William asked. He came over to Leo, and picked him up. "Say it again."

"Caca." Leo repeated in William's arms. William looked to Cassiopeia in shock, she looked to the floor- worried about his reaction.

"That's beautiful." William replied, he then handed Leo to Ara. "Come Cassiopeia, we need to leave."

"Yes, sir." Cassiopeia replied, following him from the room. When they got to the living room, William took her hand and they apparated to a field. When they arrived, Cassiopeia looked to William. "I'm sorry, sir."

"What for?" He asked.

"I took your son's first word." She replied.

"It's alright, don't worry about it." He replied. "We have to walk the rest of the way."

"Okay." Cassiopeia replied, and the pair walked across a field, talking about school.

"What electives are you taking this year?" William asked her.

"Actually, I was talking to Professor Snape and I said that I actually wanted to take all of them, and he said we would figure it out. I don't really know what he means, but I guess I'll see." Cassiopeia replied. He nodded and the pair walked to their destination. As they came over a hill, their destination was on view.

"What's in there?" Cassiopeia asked, looking at what seemed like an industrial area, with many buildings.

"Not what it looks like." He told her, he then stopped walking as they reached the gate of the area and pulled out his wand. He then tapped his wand on the gate, and it opened. William gestured that Cassiopeia followed, and she did. When she entered the gate, the sight melted away. Rather than industrial building, it was an open space with tents and cages, in the cages were dragons. Cassiopeia's eyes lit up as she saw the dragons. "Impressed?" William asked her, and she nodded instantly. "Follow me." He said, and they walked over to a tent. When they entered the were some wizards going about their daily business, the roars of dragons in the background.


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