Year 4 - 9

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Cassiopeia was sitting on the Slytherin table with her friends eating her breakfast, when the Durmstrang students came into the hall. Cassiopeia saw the Weasley twins look up at her, and they delivered each other a nod. As Adam walked past the pair, towards his seat, they jumped out their seats and banged into him.

"Oh, sorry." The twins said in unison.

"No matter." Adam replied in his Bulgarian accent. Each then moving towards their seats. Draco looked over to Cassiopeia and saw the mischeif in her eyes.

"What's happening?" Draco asked.

"Nothing, just a little harmless prank." Cassiopeia replied.

"Harmless?" Blaise asked.

"Harmless." Cassiopeia assured. Adam then sat in his place and started to tuck into his food. But just before he could take a bite, there was the sound of a pig in the hall. Everyone turned to face Adam in confusion, but he looked just as confused. He went to speak but all that came out was a pig's oink. Over and over, no words just pig's oinks. His friends then moved back in shock as his skin started to change into a pinky-grey colour. His nose started to morph into a pigs nose and he started to shrink. By now the Great Hall was filled with laughter. Some attempted to hide their laughs, others didn't even bother. Adam shrunk and shrunk until he was surrounded by a grey smoke. When the smoke cleared, in Adam's place was a pig. Everyone stopped laughing out of shock, but that moment was over and everyone began to laugh. The Durmstrang students were all exclaiming shock and worried phrases in Bulgarian. The teachers were rushing towards Adam, trying different spells to reverse what happened. Cassiopeia, along with the Weasley twins noticed how Professor Snape had stepped away from the action, keeping his promise. The Weasley twins turned to Cassiopeia and sent her a nod, which she happily returned.

"Your doing I suppose?" Draco whispered.

"What makes you think that?" Cassiopeia asked.

"I think the subtle nod to the Weasley twins might have given it away." Theodore replied. Cassiopeia just winked to him. There was still the chaos of the teachers attempting to turn him back. But Cassiopeia knew they wouldn't be able to, they would either have to wait two days for it to reverse itself or Cassiopeia had to reverse it. Professor McGonagall walked angrily up to the Weasley twins.

"Was this you?" She angrilly asked.

"Do you really think we'd be clever enough to do human transfiguration?" Fred asked.

"Wow, you give us more credit than we deserve." George continued.

"Thank you very much." They added together.

"I have to say, Professor McGongall, no matter how annoying the twins are. I don't think they'd have the skill to pull this off." Professor Snape said to his collegue. Everyone looked at shock at the statement. But the twins just looked at Cassiopeia and sent her a small nod. Professor Snape was on their side for Cassiopeia, a teacher was on their side and that's what would protect them. Professor Dumbledore had suggested that Adam should be removed from the Great Hall, and that they could figure it out in his office. As soon as they left the room, there was laughter everywhere.

"Alright, alright. Settle down. It's time for classes." Professor McGonagall dismissed everyone. Cassiopeia turned to her friends.

"Of we go." Cassiopeia said. They nodded and together they made their way to the common room to get their books and they made their way to their classes.


Short Chapter, sorry

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