Year 4 - 18

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Waking up on the morning of the first task wasn't exactly difficult for everyone except the champions. The excitement was lingering in the air. But the champions were filled with worry and fear. The day was made up of lessons until the period after lunch, and then after that lesson they would all make their way down to the quidditch pitch for the first task.

Amelia had been given the task of making sure Cassiopeia was awake on the morning of the 24th November, although it wasn't needed since Cassiopeia was already awake and dressed when Amelia's self-waking charm woke her.

"Why did you ask me to wake you again?" Amelia asked from her bed. Cassiopeia turned to Amelia with a small smile and a shrug.

"You can go back to sleep if you want, I can wake you before breakfast?" Cassiopeia replied, putting on her shoes.

"No, it's okay. I might as well come to breakfast with you." Ameila replied, struggling to get out of bed.

"Need a push?" Cassiopeia teased. Amelia shook her head but Cassiopeia was already besides her bed. She felt herself be pushed out of the comfort of her bed onto the dormatory floor. Cassiopeia knelt on the bed and looked over at Amelia. "You alright down there?" Cassiopeia asked with a laugh.

"I will get you back one day." Amelia replied, huffing as she got herself untangled from the bedsheets. She slowly stood up and grabbed her things to get ready while Cassiopeia started to make Amelia's bed.

Once the pair were ready to go down to breakfast, they made their way to the Great Hall together. But as they started to walk through the common room, the boys were standing there waiting for the pair. There was the clear tension in the air as Cassiopeia and Draco avoided eye contact.

"How are you feeling, Cass?" Blaise asked.

"Alright." Cassiopeia replied. "Let's go get some food."

"Cass, can we talk?" Draco asked, as the group were preparing to walk to the Great Hall.

"No. This day is already bad enough. I don't need you making it any worse." Cassiopeia replied, walking out the portrait hole. Amelia followed after her while the boys looked at Draco.

"Leave it be, mate. She's got the task later. She needs to be in the right mindset. Talk to her after." Blaise advised the blonde, before following the girls out the door. The rest of the group followed and in the end they also made it to the hall. They were hoping to sit with the girls, but they noticed that the two in question had sat at the Gryffindor table with the two thirds of the Golden Trio. The group walked to the Slytherin table, which was full of both excited and nervous people- which was the same as the Gryffindor table.

Everyone had gone to their classes, and Cassiopeia and Harry were sitting in Transfiguration when there was a knock on the door. Professor McGongall called for the person to enter, and Barty Crouch poked his head through the door.

"It's time for the Champions to go and get ready for the task." He announced, locking eyes with Harry and Cassiopeia. The colour drained from Cassiopeia's face and her hands began to shake as she put her things away into her bag. Amelia put her hand on top of Cassiopeia's- giving her the silent support that she needed. Cassiopeia sent her a nod and a small smile as she walked towards the door of the classroom. Harry following behind her. The pair were taken to the Champion tent beside the Quidditch pitch where they were shown the clothing that they needed to change into. They were all similar besides the colours. Cedric was yellow, Harry was red, Fleur was blue, Viktor was brown and Cassiopeia was green.


Once they were all changed, they awaited together in the tent. Some sitting on the cots in the tent, ready for casulties afterwards, while others paced. Cassiopeia was sitting in a chair to the side, trying to calm her nerves as she could hear the students coming to watch the task. She didn't know how today was going to go. After being told that if she did indeed get Ethelinda then she could speak her parseltounge, if she had any of the other dragons then she had a small plan- but she completely hoped that she did get Ethelinda. Speaking of William, he was coming to see her in her first task, along with Lucius. They were both sitting with the teachers, besides Professor Snape.

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