Year 4 - 28

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Cassiopeia was in the library, scribbling on some parchment when Draco walked in. There were all lots of books piled around her, varying on different subjects. Some on potions, some on charms, some on transfiguration, some on elements. Draco sat in the space beside her, but she didn't look up. He could see her eyes frantically scanning the pages of the book behind her glasses.

"Cass?" He asked her. She delivered a tired smile to him. He pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead. "What are you working on?"

"I'm working on the task." She explained, her eyes closing as he held her against his chest.

"You figured out the clue then?" He asked. She nodded.

"Pretty much. A few minor things need to be decided and practiced. But other than that, it's good." Cassiopeia replied.

"What minor things?" He asked. She looked up to him with a raised eyebrow. "What? It's not helping, you figured out the clue and you've researched. It's just a second opinion."

"I need to choose one of these to use in the next task." She told him, showing him the list she had made.

"Well, I've heard that Durmstrang students specialise in Transfiguration, so I wouldn't go for that. The Beauxbatons and the Hufflepuff are good at charms, so I wouldn't go for that. Then Potter will probably pick something random, so you can't really compare with him. But I would say that you should go for potions or elemental. Potions is your forte and then elements will help. But it's whether you want to show your elemental powers yet." Draco told her.

"That's a good idea. I could use the potion of underwater breathing, then I could use my elemental powers to make me go faster. Then there's not only the elemental side so they probably won't question it." She decided.

"That sounds like a good idea." He told her.

"Thank you." She said. He smiled.

"What was the clue then? All it did was make that screeching." He asked.

"Want to come hear it?" She asked. He nodded. She gathered her books and put them away, asking to borrow the book she needed from the librarian. She took Draco into the girls dorm where she had stored the egg under her bed. She turned to him with a smile. "You might want to grab a towel." He looked at her confused but nodded. He went back to his dorm to grab a towel while she made her way to the bathroom and filled the bathtub. She used her wand to make the bath a little deeper and then waited for Draco. He came back and entered the bathroom. It was a smaller one considering it was a bathroom per dorm, and it was only Amelia and herself in there. He walked in and she locked the door. She grabbed the egg and then moved herself so she was kneeling beside the bath. She gestured that he did the same, so he did.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"We're going to stick our heads under the water." She told him. He nodded. She placed the egg under the water and then the pair put their heads under the water. She opened the egg and it started to sing.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground.

An hour long you'll have to look,

To recover what we took."

Cassiopeia then closed the egg and the pair came out of the water. He looked to her in confusion.

"There are mermaids in the Black Lake. Something is going to be taken from us and we have to find it. That's why I need the potion, so I can hold my breath for an hour." She explained to him. He nodded. He then grabbed his towel and wiped his hair, shaking the towel against his head. Cassiopeia took her hair out of the bun and dried it with her towel. Once they were done they made their way to the common room and sat together on the couch, just having a nice conversation about whatever came up.

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