Year 3 - 23

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After listening to their stories about Hogsmede, Cassiopeia then moved herself so her head was lying in Draco's lap and she was drifting off to sleep. Her friends heard her breathing deepen and their conversations became quieter. The portrait door then opened and Professor Snape came rushing in looking panicked, he looked over to the corner to see the group and he let out a sigh of relief.

"You alright, Professor?" Amelia asked the man. He nodded to her.

"I need everyone's attention." He called. Everyone then came down and waited for what their head of house had to say. Draco shook Cassiopeia awake, and she sat up but leant against him as she listened. "This very evening, Sirius Black was seen in the castle attempting to break into the Gryffindor common room." At this the colour faded from Cassiopeia's face. "I'm afraid we have not managed to catch him upon his break in. In an attempt to secure all of your safety, everyone will be sleeping in the Great Hall tonight. So, everyone needs to get into their sleeping clothes quickly and make their way to the Great Hall, there will be sleeping bags ready, and the teacher there will tell you where the Slytherins are sleeping. Now, get ready, and be safe." With that he left out the portrait, continuing to search the dungeons for Sirius Black, and the Slytherins made their way to their dorms. Cassiopeia's friends, who knew about the threat, all turned to the girl. She was looking at her hands and looked pale.

"Cass?" Amelia asked, she looked to her.

"I'm going to go and change." She said, getting up from her spot on the sofa and making her way to the stairs. Amelia rushed after her, and the boys then made their way to change themselves. Once the girls were done, Cassiopeia grabbed a book and made her way down the stairs with Amelia. As they got to the bottom, the boys were waiting for them. Together the group then made their way to the Great Hall, Cassiopeia jumping at every sound. Her friends noticed and Draco gently took her hand. She looked to him with a grateful smile.

As they entered the hall, they were told to get into sleeping bags on the front left, while the other houses would be spread around the rest of the hall. Everyone settled into a disturbed sleep, except Cassiopeia and Harry. They both knew about the threat hanging over their heads, and if they knew the man could get past Dementors, what's stopping him from coming to kill them. As Cassiopeia was reading her book, she noticed a younger Hufflepuff crying quietly. She looked around and saw the only teacher in the room was Professor McGonagall. She climbed out of her sleeping bag and walked over to the small girl. She saw Professor McGonagall look at her, but she just kept walking towards the crying girl. She carefully sat beside the figure and leant down.

"Are you alright?" Cassiopeia asked the young girl quietly. The girl looked up to Cassiopeia and shook her head. "What's the matter?"

"I'm frightened Sirius Black will come." She replied. Cassiopeia looked at the girl with soft eyes.

"What's your name?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Racheal Farland." The girl replied.

"Well, I'm Cass." She replies, holding out her hand to shake. The girl giggled and shook her hand. This made the people who were awake, which was most of the hall, and the teacher in the room smile. "How can I help you get to sleep?"

"Will you sing to me?" The small girl asked.

"Sure." Cassiopeia replied. "I apologise for my voice in advanced though."

"I'm sure you'll be fine." The girl replied. Cassiopeia then moved so the girl had her head in Cassiopeia's lap. Cassiopeia stroked the girl's hair and took her hand. She then began singing softly.

Her voice shocked almost everyone in the room and her skill and softness. They all listened to the voice in awe, but eventually it made almost everyone drift into a sleep. Cassiopeia smiled at the young girl below her and then gently put her head back onto the floor, tucked up in her sleeping bag. Cassiopeia quietly made her way back to her sleeping bag and climbed in it. She turned to see Draco awake, he then gestured that she came towards him and she did. He wrapped his arms around her waist and then they stayed together while they attempted to sleep. Mostly everyone was asleep in the hall when the teachers came in quietly.

"I've searched the Astronomy Tower and the Owlery. There's nothing there." Mr Filch told the headmaster.

"Thank you." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"The third floor's clear too, Sir." Professor Flitwick added.

"Very good." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"And I've done the Dungeons. No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle." Professor Snape informed.

"I didn't expect him to linger." Professor Dumbledore told him.

"Remarkable feat, don't you think." Professor Snape said. "To enter Hogwarts castle on one's own, completely undetected?"

"Quite remarkable, yes." He replied.

"Any theories on how he might have managed it?" Professor Snape asked.

"Many. Each as unlikely as the next." Professor Dumbledore replied.

"You may recall, prior to the start of term, expressed some concerns about your appointment of Professor-" Professor Snape started, but was cut off by Professor Dumbledore.

"Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black enter it." Professor Dumbledore replied. "I'm quite convinced the castle is safe and I'm more than willing to send the students to their houses."

"What about Potter and Reid? Should they be warned?" Professor Snape asked.

"Perhaps, but for now, let them sleep. For in dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own. Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the lightest cloud." And with that Cassiopeia felt herself drift into a sleep.


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