Year 3 - 26

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Two days later Cassiopeia, Harry and Professor Lupin were walking through some trees, talking about the Quidditch incident.

"I'm sorry to hear about both of your broomsticks. Is there no chance of fixing it?" Professor Lupin asked.

"No." Harry mumbled in response while Cassiopeia shook her head.

"Professor, why do the Dementors affect us so much? Like more than others?" Harry asked.

"Listen, the Dementors are amongst the foulest creatures to walk this Earth. They feed on every good thing, every happy memory, until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences. You are not weak, Harry, Cassiopeia. I can say this for Harry, but the Dementors attack you most of all because there are true horrors in your past, horrors your classmates could hardly imagine. And for you, Cassiopeia, it is the same. Therefore, I apologise for whatever happened in your past to make them affect you this way. You both have nothing to be ashamed of." Professor Lupin told them.

"I'm scared, Professor." Harry and Cassiopeia admitted in unison.

"Well I'd consider you fools if you weren't." The Professor replied.

"We need to know how to fight them." Harry told the man. "You could teach us, you made that Dementor on the train go away." Cassiopeia nodded.

"There was only two that night and they were far apart." The Professor replied.

"But you made it go away." Harry said.

"I don't pretend to be an expert, Harry, Cassiopeia. But, as the Dementors seem to have taken a particular liking for you two, I'll shall teach you. But after the holidays, for now I need to rest." The Professor replied.


It was later that day when many students in the castle were preparing for their last trip to Hogsmede before they left the castle for Christmas, but not all. Harry stood in a high window watching as he friends and fellow classmates made their way to the village. He then made the decision to make his way to the village under the Cloak of Invisibility. The snow laid thick on the floor, as Harry walked through the courtyard, leaving footprints appearing from nowhere. The Weasley twins stood, making a snowman, and spotted the footprints. Together they locked eyes and then walked towards Harry, they each grabbed an arm and dragged him back- but to anyone looking they saw the Weasley twins holding onto air.

"Guys, let me go." Harry protested.

"Clever, Harry." Fred said.

"But not clever enough." George added.

"Besides, we've got a better way." They said together.

"I'm trying to get to Hogsmede." Harry said as he was dragged backwards into the castle.

"We know." They replied.

"Don't worry." Fred said.

"We'll get you there." George added.

"We'll show you a quicker way." Fred added.

"If you pipe down." George finished as they brought Harry around the corner and put him on some stairs.

"Let me go. Come on, guys." Harry protested.

"Now, Harry." Fred said.

"Come join the big boys." They said together, pulling off Harry's invisibility cloak.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, loudly. They shushed him and handed him some parchment. Harry looked at it in confusion. "What's this rubbish?" He asked. The twins laughed.

"'What's this rubbish' he says." Fred sassed to George. "That there is the secret to our success."

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." George said.

"But, we've decided that your needs are greater than ours." Fred finished. "George, if you will." He said, gesturing to the paper. George brought out his wand and looked to the paper.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George incanted and tapped the paper with his wand. Harry watched as writing began to appear on the piece of paper. He read the title aloud.

"'Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Softpaw are proud to present the Marauders Map.'" Harry read out.

"We owe them so much." George commented. Harry opened the map to show Hogwarts.

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts. And that... No, is that really-?" Harry asked, but is cut off by Fred.

"Dumbledore." Fred said.

"In his study." George added.

"Pacing." Fred added.

"He does that a lot." George finished.

"So, you mean this map shows-" Harry asked.

"Everyone." Fred said.

"Everyone?" Harry asked.

"Everyone." George said.

"Where they are." Fred added.

"What they're doing." George added.

"Every minute." Fred added.

"Of every day." George finished.

"Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Harry asked.

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course. First year." Fred replied.

"Now, there are seven secret passageways out of the castle." George told Harry. "We'd recommend-"

"This one." They both said pointing to the map.

"The One-Eyed Witch passageway." George said.

"It'll lead you straight to Honeyduke's." Fred said, then he looked to the map. "You'd best hurry. Filch is heading this way."

"Oh, and Harry, don't forget. When you're done, just give it a tap and say:" George started.

"'Mischief Managed'. Otherwise anyone can read it." They said together as George tapped his wand against the map and the writing started to disappear. He then made his way to the village. 


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