Year 4 - 13

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The emotions directed at the various champions around Hogwarts were mixed. There were those, including the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins that hated Harry. The Hufflepuff's because finally they got someone in their house who is doing something, and then Harry had to come and overshadow him. The Slytherin's because they hate Gryffindors, and Harry is a Gryffindor, and because they wanted Cassiopeia to win. There are those, including the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, who hated both Harry and Cassiopeia. Mainly because they had given Hogwarts an advantage over them. There were those, being some of the Gryffindors, who disliked Cassiopeia. Just because she had taken the spot light away from Harry and onto someone in the Slytherin house. Then there was the Ravenclaws who had their opinions divided. Some saw it in the view point that Hogwarts now had a greater chance of winning, no matter what house the person will come from, others hated Harry and Cassiopeia. There was not an easy way to keep the peace everywhere. The most surprising division was the Golden Trio. Ron had blamed Harry for entering the tornament without telling him first, or letting him put his name in too, so they weren't talking. Then Hermione was trying to keep the peace between the two, but seemed to just spend her time with Ginny instead. The Slytherin's had become united in supporting Cassiopeia, should she need it.


It was during potions lesson when the proceedings of any Tri-Wizard tornament related things happen. And that was when Colin Creevey entered the room and told Professor Snape that Harry and Cassiopeia were needed for a interview and photoshoot for the Daily Prophet. The Professor reluctantly let them go, after making sure that Harry came back to finish his potion (which Cassiopeia had already done) afterwards. Even if it was lunch. So, Harry and Cassiopeia made their way to one of the classrooms. When they got there, they saw that the other champions were waiting and so was a few people with cameras and a brightly dressed woman.

"Lovely, you're all here. If you don't mind, we'd like to take some pictures of you all." The woman said. She then started the process of taking pictures. Many many pictures. She started with everyone together, Fleur and Cassiopeia sitting in chairs in front of the boys. And then shots of everyone by themselves. Then a shot of all the Hogwarts Champions together. She then got a picture of the two girls together, and one of Harry and Cassiopeia. She then got one of Cassiopeia with Viktor. By the end their faces hurt because of smiling too much, and they couldn't be bothered to fake anymore. The woman looked over the pictures and smiled. She then turned to the group, who were all standing together. "Hello! I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the Daily Prophet. But of course you know that, don't you. It's you we don't know, you're the news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick. Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who feels up for sharing? Mmm? Shall we start with the youngest. Lovely." She then grabbed Harry's arm and took him into a broom cupboard off to the side of the room. While Harry was gone, Cassiopeia and Viktor sat to the side, talking in Bulgarian so no one could bother them. They were talking about whether the other was nervous for the competition. And then they started talking about Rita.

"Honestly, I've heard she's awful. She interviews you and then makes stuff up for her article." Cassiopeia told Viktor.

"You'll just have to make sure that you answer her questions to her standard then. I assume she's wanting the juicy details." Viktor replied.

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