Year 4 - 8

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Cassiopeia rushed out of her godfather's room and made her way to the Ravenclaw tower, she wanted to quickly see that Bridgit was okay with the house. So, she climbed the many stairs, rushing so she had time to make it back to see the Weasleys. Once she got to the top, she noticed the entrance, it was a door with a magical knocker on the door. Once she stood in front of it, it told her the riddle. Answer it correctly and you can enter, if not you can't enter.

"What can run, but never walks; Has a mouth, but never talks; Has a head, but never weeps; Has a bed, but never sleeps?" The knocker asked. Cassiopeia stood there for a short moment, until she answered.

"A river." She replied.

"Correct. Although I shouldn't really be letting a Slytherin in." The knocker said.

"I know, but please. I want to check my cousin is alright. You know, first year jitters and all." Cassiopeia replied.

"Oh, alright." The knocker said, and then the door opened. As she walked in, she was shocked by the look of the room. There were glorious bookshelves and a regal fireplace. The room was lit by fire lights for the moment, but there were grand windows which showed the stars. The sofas were blue and looked comfortable. There weren't many in the room, but those that were turned to Cassiopeia in shock.

"Hi." She said to them. She then noticed Luna Lovegood sitting in the corner reading. "Don't mind me." She said as she walked over to Luna. "Hey, Luna."

"Oh, hello, Cassiopeia. You honestly have a beautiful name, by the way. I assume that it's come from the Cassiopeia constellation?" Luna replied in her dreamy voice.

"Yes, it does. It's a tradition for children from the house of Black to be named after Stars and Constellations." Cassiopeia explained.

"That's a nice tradition." Luna replied. "Did you realise you're in the wrong common room?"

"Yes, I did. Thanks, Luna. I was just wondering if you could do something for me?" Cassiopeia replied.

"Of course, what can I help with?" She asked, putting down her book.

"A new girl that was sorted tonight, Bridgit Rosier, I was wondering if you could show me where I can find her?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Of course. Follow me." Luna replied, and Cassiopeia followed her up some stairs to where the dorms were. Luna stopped in front of a door that was a dark wood with a plaque reading 'First Year Girls' in a beautiful gold writing. "She'll be in there."

"Thanks for this, Luna." Cassiopeia said.

"Of course, Cassiopeia. It was nice seeing you." Luna replied and made her way further down the hall. Cassiopeia then turned to the door and knocked.

"Yes?" A voice called out.

"Are you all decent? Is it alright for me to come in?" Cassiopeia called.

"Yes." Another voice returned. Cassiopeia opened the door and was shocked by the beauty of the room. The room was circular in shape and had light stone walls, some were windows while the others held beautiful tapestries. The five beds were arranged in the circle around a large rug in the middle of the room. The curtains, bedsheets and curtains around the beds were a royal blue, while the beds were white.

"Wow." Cassiopeia commented as she walked in.

"Cass!" Bridgit's voice called out. Bridgit came and hugged her cousin, while all the others looked in wonder and some in fear (having seen the colour of her robes).

"You know, I might move to Ravenclaw. Your rooms are absolutely stunning." Cassiopeia said, still in awe of the room.

"They are, aren't they?" Bridgit replied. "Although, I bet being under the Black Lake is beautiful."

"Beautiful, but cold. Very very cold." Cassiopeia replied. Bridgit laughed. "Sorry to interrupt ladies, I just wanted to see how Bridgit was doing."

"I'm doing good, Cass." Bridgit told her. She then turned to the people on their beds. "Guys, this is my cousin I was telling you about. Cass, meet Jessica Davies, Emily Brown, Chloe Butler and Charlotte Miller."

"Well it's nice to meet you all, I'm Cassiopeia Reid. Slytherin house, but don't worry, we don't all bite." Cassiopeia replied.

"How did you get in the common room?" Emily Brown asked.

"I answered the riddle. I was almost put in Ravenclaw. Well, all the houses actually. But I was Slytherin in the end." Cassiopeia replied. They nodded. She then kneeled in front of Bridgit.

"Does that mean, since you can get into the common room, we can have girls' nights?" Bridgit asked.

"Of course. I'd be up for a girl's night whenever, as long as your friends don't mind." Cassiopeia replied. Bridgit nodded. "Right, I've got to go. I have a Durmstrang to prank."

"What?" Bridgit asked.

"He made a bet to his friend that he could get me to sleep with him before the end of the week. But obviously he said it in Bulgarian and I speak Bulgarian, so I knew what he said. So, now I'm teaming up with the Weasley twins to prank him." Cassiopeia explained.

"I see why the hat said Slytherin." Jessica said. Cassiopeia winked to her.

"Yep. And don't worry. As long as you're nice to Bridgit, you won't have to worry about me. If not..." Cassiopeia warned. "Anyway. Sleep well, all of you. See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Cass." Bridgit said, bringing her into another hug.

"Be good." Cassiopeia replied. With that she walked out the dorm and made her way to the Gryffindor common room. Once she got there, she saw the twins waiting for her. "Am I late?" She asked.

"Nope, just on time." The twins replied.

"Good good." Cassiopeia said. "Thanks for helping me, guys."

"That's alright. I hate it when guys just use girls just to get someone to sleep with." Fred replied. Cassiopeia nodded and the group walked into the common room. The went straight to a corner and ignored all the looks that were being sent their way because Cassiopeia was there.

"Right this is the plan." Fred started. And then together the twins explained the whole plan. Cassiopeia was holding on to every word they were saying. Nodding as they went along. Once they had explained the whole plan and what effects it would have, she was smirking with revenge.

"Sounds perfect." Cassiopeia replied.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked. The trio turned to see the Golden Trio standing there.

"Nothing. Our little Slytherin friend here-" Fred started, putting an arm around Cassiopeia's shoulders.

"Was just, shall we say, looking over our-" George continued, also putting an arm around Cassiopeia's shoulders.

"Battle plans." Cassiopeia finished with a shrug. The twins nodded.

"Yep, battle plans." They added.

"I don't like the sound of 'battle plans'." Ron replied, raising an eyebrow.

"It's harmless." Cassiopeia said. "Right, boys?"

"Of course." George replied.

"Absolutely harmless." Fred added.

"Why does that not reassure me?" Hermione asked. The trio shrugged.

"Don't ask questions, or you might find yourself in the cross-fire." Cassiopeia replied. At this the Golden Trio's eyes widened.

"Well, goodnight." Harry said, going to his dorm. The others followed him.

"That was fun." George commented. The other two nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'm off to bed. Night." Cassiopeia replied, climbing up and walking towards the door.


Filler chapter sorry

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