Year 4 - 29

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The morning of the task, Cassiopeia went to breakfast with her friends. She was filled with nerves, and her leg kept shaking underneath the table. She was talking with her friends, but she noticed that one was missing.

"Where's Draco?" She asked her friends.

"He wasn't in bed this morning. He didn't come back last night after Moody came and asked for him." Theodore told her.

"He asked for him?" She asked.

"Yeah, he said that Snape needed to see him. He didn't come back." Blaise explained. She nodded then looked over to the Gryffindor table to see that Harry was sitting there without Ron or Hermione. She then looked towards the Ravenclaw table to see that Cho Chang was missing too.

"Of course." She told her friends as she figured it out.

"What?" Amelia asked.

"Hermione, Ron and Cho. They're missing too." She told them. They all looked to her with faces that asked her what that meant. "The clue said we'd have to recover our treasure. The treasure is a person. They've taken someone that meant something to the champion. Viktor's date to the ball, Cedric's date to the ball, Harry's best friend, my boyfriend, and I'm assuming Fleur's sister."

"Well, I'm offended they didn't choose me." Amelia said.

"Yeah, me too. What are we then? Chopped liver?" Theodore said. Cassiopeia just sent them a look and they laughed. She then looked over to the teacher's table to see that Professor Snape was looking at her. His head moved to the side, gesturing for her to go with him. He nodded.

"I need to go somewhere. If I don't see you before, see you after the task." Cassiopeia told them. They then gave her a hug each.

"If I don't see you. Good luck and be careful." Amelia told her. The others nodding. She smiled to the them and made her way from the hall. She entered her godfather's study, shocked to see William there also.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here to support you, I plan to be at every task. I told you that." He told her. She smiled and nodded. She then turned to Professor Snape.

"Have you got your costume on?" He asked. She nodded. "Strip down to that then please and I'll cover them." She nodded and did as he asked, removing all her clothes until she was standing in the swimming suit.

"I'm going to be freezing." She told them.

"It'll make you swim faster." William said with a shrug. She just nodded. She looked to him and placed a hand over her bandage, he looked from the bandage to her eyes (which were moving toward Professor Snape) and understood what she was saying. They were going to have to show him what was under the bandage. He nodded. The Professor, unaware of the interaction that was happening between the other two, was moving around her tapping parts of her skin. The scars that were unwanted were hiding underneath an invisible barrier of magic. He moved away once he'd got all of them, he then moved a mirror so she could see.

"Jesus. That looks weird." She said, turning to get a better look at her back. One that was clear of whip marks, just the few scratches from the werewolf attack and the burns along her arm.

"What did you want done with the bandage?" He asked. Cassiopeia looked to William and he nodded again. She then tapped it with her wand and it glowed green. She then unravelled it, until all that was left was her arm and the lightning bolt scar across it. He took her arm in his hand and then tapped it with his wand. Another scar becoming invisible.

"Thank you." She told him. He nodded with a smile. She then saw a patronus coming through the door towards her.

"Cassiopeia Reid, it's time for you to make your way to the Black Lake. Good luck." Barty Crouch's voice came out the mouth. She looked to the two adults in the room and gave them a small nod, which they returned. She took a breath and grabbed her coat.

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