Year 4 - 38

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It was multiple voices shouting that Cassiopeia was welcomed with as she started to wake. She slowly opened her eyes to see William and Arthur Weasley having an argument. Molly and Bill Weasley were standing beside the pair, trying to stop the argument, while the rest of the Weasleys were sat around Harry's bed. Along with Hemione. Amelia was sat in between the two, and Draco, Theodore, Blaise and an empty chair sat on Cassiopeia's side- the empty one which she presumed William was previously sat. Cassiopeia rolled her eyes at the father figures and then just looked to Draco, who was sleeping against her bed- her hand in his. She gave his hand a squeeze, but he didn't stir. She then looked back to the fight, trying to figure out what they were fighting about. When it got to saying that it was Harry's fault that Cassiopeia was there, she'd had enough.

"Just shut up!" She yelled at them. Everyone turned to see her awake and looking annoyed and exhausted still. "Are you quite finished? I don't know about the others but your constant screaming match was giving me a headache. Just grow up, be the men you're supposed to be, suck up your pride and tolerate each other." The pair just nodded and moved to their empty chairs, which were as far away from each other that they could be.

"How are you, my dear?" Molly asked Cassiopeia.

"I'm okay. How's Harry?" She replied.

"He's alright, still sleeping." Molly told her. Cassiopeia nodded and watched as everyone went back into their conversations. She was sure that they were all itching to ask what happened, but of course, they knew they shouldn't. That or Professor Dumbledore had told them enough. Draco had stirred when she had shouted and was now awake. He asked for William's permission, and then climbed on the bed next to Cassiopeia. Getting to the other side and holding her in his arms. She looked to him and smiled and then looked past him and noticed another figure, a black dog. It was lying on the end of Harry's bed looking straight at Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia gave it a small smile, knowing that it was Sirius Black. William followed her line of sight.

"Ah, yes. Potter seems to have a dog." William told her. Cassiopeia patted her lap, and the dog stood. It jumped down from Harry's bed and onto Cassiopeia's. It growled at Draco a little before lying himself across Cassiopeia's lap. Draco gently laid a hand on the dog too, when it made no fuss, Draco also stroked the dog. "And now you have a dog. Since when did you like dogs."

"This one's special." She replied to William. He looked to her and just shook his head. Cassiopeia then looked over to Ron, Hermione and Amelia and gave them a wink. Just as they sent her a smile, there was then a commotion outside the doors. It was the sound of two people arguing. Everyone went silent to hear the commotion. They were muttering about who it could be and about waking Harry. It was clear that the voices were Cornelius Fudge and Professor McGonagall. The doors to the Hospital Wing then opened and in walked the Minister, followed by Professors McGonagall and Snape.

"Where's Dumbledore?" The Minister asked Molly.

"He's not here." She replied. "This is a hospital wing, minister, don't you think you would do better to-" But the door opening stopped Molly from continuing as in walked Dumbledore. He looked to the pair.

"What has happened? Why are you disturbing these people?" The Headmaster asked, and then he looked to Professor McGonagall. "Minerva, I am surprised at you. I asked you to stand over Barty Crouch-"

"There is no need to stand guard over him anymore, Dumbledore! The Minister has seen to that!" Professor McGonagall replied, anger ringing clear in her voice and being shown by her clenched fists.

"When we told Mr fudge that we had caught the Death Eater responsible for tonight's events, he seemed to feel his personal safety was in question. So, he insisted on summoning a Dementor to accompany him into the castle. He brought it up to the office where Barty Crouch-" Professor Snape started to explain, before he was cut off.

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