Year 4 - 32

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The breakfast on the morning of the task was bursting with excitement from everyone. Everyone was saying who they thought would win, what they thought it was, how hard they thought it would be and all things like that.

Cassiopeia was chatting with her friends when Professor McGonagall walked over.

"Ms Reid, the champions are congregating in the chamber off the hall after breakfast." The Professor told her.

"What for, Professor?" Cassiopeia asked.

"The champions families are invited to watch the final task, this is simply a chance for you to greet them. I also think it would be beneficial for you to go also, Mr Malfoy." The Professor replied. Cassiopeia and Draco nodded, and the Head of Gryffindor returned the nod before returning to the teachers table.

"We should go then." Cassiopeia said to Draco as she saw the other champions getting up from their tables. "See you guys later."

"Bye." They all replied. Together Cassiopeia and Draco walked to the other room, as they got there they walked in with Cedric. Opening the door, Cassiopeia stopped in the doorway in happiness. Draco looked to her confused, but then saw the smile on her face. He followed her line of sight to see William, Lucius and Ara there with the twins and Lyra. Cassiopeia broke into a run.

"Cassie!" Lyra exclaimed, running towards the older Reid.

"Lele!" Cassiopeia replied, and she caught the girl who had jumped into her arms. The other families in the room smiled at the reunion of sisters. Cassiopeia then pulled away from her sister to see Ara standing there with Leo and Phoebe in her arms. Both of the toddlers holding their hands out to Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia laughed and smiled, walking towards them. She took both the children and held one against each of her hips. She spun around and the small children giggled. She then looked to see Mrs Weasley and Bill Weasley waiting for Harry.

"He was coming, Mrs Weasley." Cassiopeia told them. "I'll go and check."

"Thank you, dear." She replied. Cassiopeia smiled and walked to the door. She nudged the door open with her foot and came face to face with Harry.

"Harry, they're waiting for you." Cassiopeia told him. Harry looked to her confused. "You're family's here." Confronted by another confused look, Cassiopeia just smiled. "Family isn't by blood, Harry. Of all people, you know that." He followed Cassiopeia in and his face lit up as he saw the pair waiting for him. He rushed over to them while Cassiopeia walked back over to her family.

Tours for the families of the champions were being taken throughout the castle, even though they had been their themselves as a child for most of them, it was something for the group to do to spend their times reconnecting. Cassiopeia enjoyed showing Lyra where she would be next year, and to talk with her parents about how the school year had been going. Then came the topic she had been hoping to avoid, the third task. But she took it in her stride and spoke about the task that was coming. It was to be a maze, and somewhere inside would be the Triwizard cup. Time was ticking down, getting closer and closer to the time she'd have to bring all her courage and attempt to become the Triwizard champion. 


Short Chapter sorry

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