Year 4 - 15

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Cassiopeia wanted some time away from the interfering people, and it seemed Harry did too, since they both decided to join Neville down by the lake. Neville was in the water, looking for different types of plants that were discribed in the book sitting beside Harry. Cassiopeia was doing work while Harry was reading his own book.

"Amazing. Amazing!" Neville was exclaiming as he foind more plants.

"Neville! You're doing it again." Harry snapped, annoyed.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Neville replied. Cassiopeia then looked at the book in between the pair.

"Magical plants of the highland Lochs?" Cassiopeia asked Neville.

"Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea. You know after the first class we had." Neville explained. He then stopped and waved passed the pair and to the side. Harry and Cassiopeia turned to see Ron, Hermione, Amelia and Ginny walking up to the group. Hermione seemed to be whispering to Ron, not looking pleased. She then walked up to Harry, who had stood to face them.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him, that Dean was told by Parvarti, that Hagrid is looking for you and Cass." Hermione said, looking confused as she said it.

"Is that right? Well... what?" Harry replied, completely confused. Cassiopeia was watching Ron's face. Despite the glare he was sporting on his face, Cassiopeia could see emotion in his eyes. Ranging from concern to anger. Despite the argument, Ron cared, and Cassiopeia was seeing this message as something from the side of Ron that cared for Harry. Hermione walked back to Ron and they whispered once again, and she returned back to Harry. "Dean was told by Parvarti that... Please don't make me say it again. Hagrid is looking for you and Cass."

"Well, you can tell Ronald-" Harry went to reply, but Hermione snapped at him.

"I'm NOT an owl!" Hermione snapped at him, she then walked off and dragged Ginny and Amelia with her. Amelia delivered a wave to Cassiopeia, which she returned before they went out of sight. Ron then turned himself and made his way back to the castle.

That evening Harry and Cassiopeia made their way to the edge of the Forbidden Forest where Hagrid was waiting for them. Hagrid greeted them and they started to walk through the forest together.

"Did yeh bring yeh'r father's cloak like I ask'd yeh?" Hagrid asked.

"Yeah, I brought the cloak. Hagrid where are we going?" Harry replied.

"Yeh'll see soon enoug'. Pay attention, this is important." Hagrid replied.

"What's with the flower? Hagrid, have you combed your hair?" Harry asked. At this Cassiopeia noticed that Hagrid was looking more smart then ususal. He was wearing a suit and had a flower against it.

"As a matter of fact, I hav'" Hagrid replied.

"You might like to try doing the same thing now and again, Harry." Cassiopeia replied, ruffling Harry's hair. Harry rolled his eyes while attempting to flatten his hair, and failing to do so. There was there a voice breaking through the forest.

"Hagrid?" Madame Maxime called out. At this Cassiopeia knew what was happening, they were on a date. Hagrid made his way to greet the woman, but quickly turned to the pair.

"Oh, the cloak. Put on the cloak." Hagrid quickly told them. They complied, and watched as Hagrid greeted Madame Maxime.

"Bonsoir Olympe." Hagrid greeted.

"Oh, Hagrid. I thought you weren't coming, I thought perhaps you had... forgotten me." Madame Maxime replied. Hagrid then takes her hand in his.

"Couldn't forget yeh, Olympe." Hagrid replied. Harry made a gesture to Cassiopeia of throwing up. She chuckled.

"What is it you wanted to show me? When we spoke earlier, you sounded so exhilarated." Madame Maxime asked.

"Yeh'll be glad you came." Hagrid replied. "Trust me." Harry and Cassiopeia then followed the couple to the edge of some bushes. There was the sound of roaring, and when the bush was pushed back by Hagrid, Harry and Cassiopeia's eyes widened when they saw dragons through the trees.

"Ahhh, c'est manifique!" Madame Maxime exclaimed. "Can we get closer?" she then walked around the bushes. Hagrid went to follow her but the pair of students came out from under the cloak.

"Dragons, that's the first task? You're joking?" Harry asked.

"Com' on. Harry. They're seriously misunderstood creatures." Hagrid replied. But then as soon as he finished talking a dragon breathed out fire. "Although, I have to admit, that Horntail is a right nasty piece of work. Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him, you know."

"Ron was here?" Harry asked.

"Oh sure. His brother Charlie helped bring them over from Romania. Didn't Ron tell yeh that?" Hagrid asked.

"No, he didn't. He didn't tell me a thing." Harry replied, gritting his teeth.

"Well, I've got to go. Don't let anyone see yeh. And don't say I told yeh." Hagrid said. The pair nodded and then walked off to follow Madame Maxime. Harry and Cassiopeia stepped a little closer to the bushes to get a better look at the dragons. There were five. Four of them making a racket and blowing fire everywhere, while one looked passive. Calm almost. Cassiopeia looked at the dragon and was completely shocked to see that it was Ethelinda. Sitting there nice and calm, Cassiopeia's eyes widened when the said dragon looked over to where the pair was standing. Eyes zoned in on Cassiopeia, a small nod was given to each other.

"Harry, we should go before we're seen." Cassiopeia told the boy. He nodded and covered the pair in the cloak. As they walked back to the castle they were both thinking over the dragon situation. "We have to tell Cedric." Cassiopeia told him.

"Okay. But together. We're not exactly popular with the Hufflepuffs and the moment." Harry replied.

"Sounds good, we'll do it tomorrow?" Cassiopeia asked as they got to the point that they needed to split of in separate directions. He nodded and walked away with a wave.

Cassiopeia made her way back to the common room and rushed to her room. Ignoring her friends that were calling her. She quickly wrote a letter to William. She was thinking that this could be perfect. If she got Ethelinda then she would have no need for violence, she could simply explain the situation and ask for the egg, but this would mean exposing her parseltongue, and this was something William had said she wasn't allowed to do. So she was hoping for a reply to the letter saying that she was allowed to use her parstletongue. If not, then she'd have to research other ways to take out a dragon- wish she was going to do anyway, just in case her luck was against her and she didn't get Ethelinda. She sent the letter off with Liberty and went to bed, hoping to get a response the next day.


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