From a Cradle to a Grave

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Evelyn's outfit ^^^

Evelyn stumbled into the church to see Hayley lying in Klaus's arms dead with Elijah beside her

"What?" Evelyn mumbled trying to see straight as the werewolf venom was making everything worse

"Evelyn, you need to drink," Klaus said holding out his wrist

Evelyn just drank the blood curing the werewolf bite, she was trying her best not to vomit out blood, as she saw the heartbroken faces of the brother and Hayley was more important

"Where is she? Where is the baby?" Evelyn asked looking around

"The witches took the baby, but there's still time, we can save her," Klaus said

"You go, I'll slow you down, go!" Evelyn shouted and they ran off

Evelyn fell down beside Hayley and grabbed her hand letting a sob out as blood started pouring from her eyes and ears again

Suddenly Hayley gasped holding her neck

"Oh my god, Hayley," Evelyn said as Hayley looked around shocked

"What happened?" Hayley asked panting

"They took her, Klaus and Elijah went, they're in the cemetery," Evelyn explained

"I need to see my baby. We need to go," Hayley said standing up

"I can't, but you can. Save your baby. I'll be alright. Save her," Evelyn said and Hayley nodded at her and stormed out

Evelyn could feel it happening again, like what happened with Davina. But only this time she didn't think she would wake up, Davina couldn't help the vampires without getting punished and she knew everyone would stop her. Evelyn didn't know if she would wake up again and knew it was the time to say what she needed to say

"This is it I guess," Evelyn said and vomited blood and blood kept pouring from her eyes and ears

"Being able to love you, Kol, was the greatest thing I have ever done. You taught me how to live and be truly happy and content with my life. But you also caused me the worst heartbreak imaginable. I can only hope when I pass out that I will dream of you-" Evelyn said and blood started coming out quicker

"I love you," Evelyn said and passed out as she knew Kol was near as she could feel the pull and him stroking her hair

After Marcel saved the baby and Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah got back to the compound they expected Evelyn to be there waiting

But when they got there she couldn't be found

"Hayley, you stay. We will find her," Elijah said as he and Klaus went straight to the church, the last place they saw her

When they ran in they saw her lying in a puddle of her own blood

"Evelyn, no," Klaus said holding her head

Klaus carried Evelyn into the compound and wiped all the blood off placing her on her bed, and went to see his daughter, he could only hope that Evelyn would wake up

After they decided to send the baby away and tell everyone she died, Hayley asked the question she had been wanting to know the answer of since they got back

"Where is Eve?" Hayley asked

Elijah and Klaus stayed silent

"Where is she, she needs to see the baby before she leaves," Hayley told them

"Hayley, we found her unconscious, in the church," Elijah said with tears in his eyes

"Well, we can get Davina to do the spell again," Hayley said

"She is not strong enough anymore. Even if she was, no one would let her," Elijah said

"No, how will she wake up," Hayley said with tears in her eyes

Both the brothers stayed silent and Hayley sat down and tears fell down her face

She was broken with the news, she has to send her baby away for who knows how long, and the person she saw of as her sister/best friend may never wake up

Kol was sitting on the other side beside Evelyn with tears streaming down his face

"My son," Esther said from behind him

"Esther, what do you want?" Kol spat out

"You can help her, the ancestors have granted me permission to come back to life. I can bring you back to, you can be with her again. But I need your help," Esther explained

"I'll do anything," Kol said turning around

"Good. We must prepare," Esther told her son

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