-1- Dance with me

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-1- Dance with me

Zhan was annoyed. He sat alone at one of the tables in the nightclub and watched the dancers. Two of them were his two best friends. The friends who persuaded him to accompany them and have a little fun at least once, leaving him alone for over an hour now.

How Zhan would also have loved to get on the dance floor and dance with his friends. But there was a little problem. Zhan cannot dance. Whenever he tried it, he looked like he had a attack of epilepsy and was laughed at. And any attempt to learn to dance seemed to make things worse.

So he stayed at the table and drank out of anger and boredom, even the drinks of his two friends. He thought he could have found another way to pass the time. Wasn't there the article he had to finish by Monday morning? And wasn't his girlfriend at home that weekend, too?

They'd only been together 33 days. And, she is also his first girlfriend ever. When they started dating, even his friends laughed at him, because she was the one who made the first step. Because in his 24 years of life so far, he's either not interested in a girlfriend or not had the time.

And when both time and interest were there, he just couldn't find the right one to spark his interest. He was also only with Luna Li, because he thought that she at least had a great charisma and a beautiful smile. However, she hasn't managed to make his heart beat faster yet. But Zhan told himself that all this could still come.

The only thing that makes his heart beat faster is his work. Even as a small child he wanted to be a reporter. Preferably for television. Well, he couldn't make it. But he works for a newspaper, and after making only coffee for weeks, he was allowed to write articles about traffic accidents and has worked his way up to the reports about events.

Through his work he had already been able to be present at many events. Big ones, as well as small ones. Only recently he had attended a fashion show together with Chuyue, the photographer and one of his best friends, and later he wrote a comprehensive article about it, which was even praised from the very top.

And because even the organizer and the designer loved Zhan's article, he was invited again for the upcoming fashion show. And this time, he would get a good place!

But just now, at this moment, Zhan was sitting in this nightclub and was thinking about what to do. Go home, or stay? The decision was not easy for him. Because he didn't have many weekends off and could go out with his friends. Often his work only really started on the weekends, because that's where most of the events took place.

But this weekend he had kept himself free. The first weekend after three months. And he wanted to celebrate that, just not necessarily like that. But unfortunately his friends liked to go to clubs and hoped to meet some women.

Since Zhan's head slowly started to hurt, he thought the loud music was making his decision easier. He looked at the dance floor once more, then convinced himself that his friends didn't leave personal things on the table and then decided to leave.

Slowly he moved towards the exit. Not that he did not want to get out quickly. It had just been so crowded that he had trouble getting past all those people.

When the exit was in sight, Zhan just wanted to get out. But suddenly someone grabbed him by the wrist and held him down. At first he thought one of his two friends saw him leave. But as he turned around, he looked into the face of a handsome stranger.

"Dance with me." The stranger asked him.

"Ah, no thanks. I was about to leave. And I can't dance at all. I don't dance with guys either." Zhan replied. He screamed so loud, his throat almost hurt.

The stranger leaned forward to Zhan and asked him, "Why don't you dance with other men? Is there anything wrong with that?"

"No, not that. But it's strange."

" Strange? Have you ever tried it?" The stranger asked and smiled.

"No. Because, as I said, I can't dance."

"Come on. I bet you can dance with me. I'll show you how."

" Do I have a choice?" Asked Zhan, looking at his wrist, which is still firmly in the stranger's grip.

"No." The stranger replied, dragging Zhan with him to the dance floor. And as soon as Zhan stepped onto the dance floor and felt the bass under his feet, he began to get nervous. He turned red in the face and started sweating. What could he do now? As soon as he even tried to dance, everyone would stare at him and maybe, like his last try, ask if he needed an ambulance.

Much to Zhan's chagrin, a quiet song was now played. He was already about to leave the dance floor when the stranger stood behind him, put his arms around him, and began to move slowly with him. Zhan was almost stiff with fright, at least he thought so, until his body seemed to move all by itself.

The stranger put his chin on Zhan's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "See, there you can do it." At once, Zhan got goose bumps, but not the unpleasant kind. Which completely confused him.

To match the music, there was the lighting. So, practically non-existent. The stranger turned Zhan around and pressed Zhan's body firmly against his, while they slowly danced.

The stranger put both of Zhan's arms around his hip. "You are really cute." The stranger whispered. Zhan's heart raced like crazy as the cheeks of the two touched. And suddenly his heart almost stopped when, without warning, the stranger kissed him just like that.

But even more shocking for Zhan was that he didn't refuse. On the contrary, his body, now also his mouth, had made itself independent and returned the kiss. And only when he felt the stranger's hands on his bottom did his thoughts clear up again. He pushed the stranger away from him and left the dance floor as fast as he could, almost running towards the exit.

Zhan jumped into the first cab he saw. As the taxi drove off, he relaxed again. He touched his lips and wondered what had just happened? Why had he let himself be kissed? And why did he kiss back? And why, of all people, did a stranger make his heart beat faster?

Only when Zhan was back home in his shared apartment, where he lived together with his colleagues Yu Bin and Peng Chuyue, he dared to breathe properly again. It seemed to him the whole time as if he had held his breath after the kiss and waited until he was home and only then did he allow himself to breathe again.

He went straight to his room, took a painkiller and then lay down on his bed. He stared at the ceiling and touched his lips once more. They felt slightly swollen and he could still feel the gentle sucking on his lips. And it was not that he did not like it either. It was just that it was a guy who did it, and he is not into guys.

As he stared at the grain of the wallpaper on the ceiling, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier. He closed his eyes, and as he fell into a deep sleep, he thought of the stranger, the kiss, and how much he liked what the stranger was doing.

Dance with Me! [YiZhan Mystery FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now