-65- Extra Chapter

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-65- Extra Chapter

A/N: I can't quite release you from this story yet! Because, the end, which I originally planned, has not yet come. Haha. But don't worry, this chapter is the really last chapter!

-65- Dance with me / The extra chapter

When Zhan opened his eyes, he was blinded by bright daylight shining through the two large windows in the room. Only very slowly did he open his eyes and find himself in a totally strange room. Where was he? And more importantly, where is Yibo? And why can he not move? Why is it so tiring and painful to just turn his head? What happened?

Zhan, who slowly panicked, tried to scream for Yibo but didn't get a word out and next to him several devices started a loud alarm.

Just a moment later, a nurse came running into the room and called for a doctor: "Doctor come quickly, he's awake." She cried.

And the doctor came immediately, and with him, a few more people who Zhan did not know. The doctor asked one of the others, "Name and age of the patient?"

And the guy said, "Name Xiao Zhan, age 24." Zhan wanted to shake his head. How could he be 24 years old again? After all, he didn't go back in time. And where was Yibo?

"Tell me what happened." The doctor asked one of the women.

"The patient remained in a coma for a total of one year after being hit by a car in front of a cafe. The severe head injuries left the patient in a coma. All attempts to bring him out of the coma failed." She explained.

Zhan was stunned. He was in an accident and was in a coma for a year? So he never met Yibo? He's 24 years old and everything he thought he experienced was a dream? How could that be? How can none of this have happened? Then how did he know Wang Yibo, if he's never met him?

The doctor and his assistants examined Zhan while they didn't pay any attention to him... They pulled, tugged and pinched him and only now and then did the doctor ask: "Do you feel that? Are you in pain?"

A disgustingly bitter gel was poured into Zhan's mouth via a sippy cup, which should help him to speak again soon. Crying and desperate, Zhan kept looking at the door until finally his parents and siblings appeared there. And finally the doctor stopped his torture and left Zhan and his family alone for a while.

His parents told him that he had been in a café a year ago and was about to cross the street when he was hit by a car. The driver was an elderly woman who fell asleep behind the wheel and caused a serious accident, in which she herself died. "Miss Ann Yung died at the scene of the accident. You and three others were seriously injured. Fortunately, many helpers were on the scene immediately and the ambulances were there quickly enough, otherwise you probably wouldn't be alive either." Said his mother.

"That's right. Someone sat next to you and pressed his jacket against your wound on your head the whole time. He only let go when the emergency doctor took over." Explained Zhan's father.

With a scratchy voice he asked, "Who was he? Can I thank him?"

"Unfortunately we don't know. The police failed to take his details because everything was so chaotic and hectic." His mother replied.

Although they all explained to Zhan what happened, he couldn't believe it. All that he experienced should have been nothing more than a dream? Wang Yibo, their love for each other, their wedding and their son, all this is nothing but a fantasy?

For Zhan, the long process of his body's recovery began from that day on. He had been transferred to a rehab center where he had to do exercises every day. He trained every single day and received psychological counseling. But no matter how many times he told himself that he had to forget his dream, he couldn't.

Dance with Me! [YiZhan Mystery FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now