-21- What more?

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-21- What more?

When Zhan arrived at his parents' house in the evening around 8 pm, he gave his mother a long, firm hug. She smiled, stroked his head and said, "Had a hard time, huh? Then come with me to the kitchen first, I'll cook you something delicious and you tell me in peace and quiet what happened."

And Zhan told her everything, he didn't leave out a single detail. Even about his ability to see and communicate with lost souls he had told her and she listened to him carefully. She stroked Zhan's cheek and finally, after he told her everything, she said, "My sweetheart, you missed one important thing in all this."

"What's that?" Zhan wanted to know.

"You like Wang Yibo. You care about him coming back, but not just to tell him what you found out. You don't want to help him just like that either. The truth is you have feelings for him. And I think you know that too. Maybe you just don't want to let it happen or you're afraid to, but you're doing all this because you love him. And I'm sure that deep down inside you already knew that the stranger who kissed you in the club is the same one who has been missing since his accident." She said.

Was that possible? Did he already know unconsciously that both men were the same person? Hadn't he always felt there was something connecting the two? "Do you really think I felt it?"

"You have always been special. You and your grandmother had a very close relationship and she always said you would be like her in the future. We always smiled at her when she talked about being a spiritual medium. But we didn't find it completely absurd either. Because when you were so seriously ill as a baby, she told us not to worry, soon little ZhanZhan will wake up and he will be fine. And so it was. Suddenly you woke up healthy. I was beginning to believe her. And at the same time I prayed that my favourite would not follow in her footsteps. I hoped it would be another child of the relatives. Why my baby? My wish child, my problem child and my favourite? I never wanted you to be like your grandma. But now it has happened and I'm worried about you. As a mother, I have to be. But I am also proud of you for taking on this difficult task. And yes, I think because of your abilities, you could sense that Wang Yibo is the stranger from the club."

"Mom, I didn't want any of this either. I just wanted to live a quiet and normal life. I never believed Granny when she spoke of her predictions or about ghosts and souls. And suddenly I'm in the middle of it, and I don't know what to believe or think anymore. All I know is that I want to find Wang Yibo, but I don't know how. Maybe he doesn't want to be found either. Or maybe he's already forgotten about me."

"I don't think anyone can forget my sweet ZhanZhan. Just wait a little longer and maybe he'll come to you on his own."

Later, when Zhan was in his old room and in his old bed, he was so tired that he should have fallen asleep right away. But his mind seemed to be wide awake and wouldn't let him get even a moment's sleep.

After talking to his mother, he had also talked to his siblings for a long time. Cheng, who is now starting his first year as a junior doctor in a hospital, told Zhan that he could help him as well, since his hospital works with many social nursing homes. Zhan was very grateful to him and maybe it would really help him.

What kept Zhan awake, however, was not the question of where Yibo was or even where his body might be, but rather if he really knew everything now? Was it all of this? Or could there be more he doesn't know about? He always had to ask himself what else could be behind all this around Wang Yibo and his family?

Why did he find it so hard to believe that Mrs. Wang is capable of such a crime, despite all the evidence? She had been a good and loving stepmother for years, but was it enough for her to change completely, just because Yibo suddenly confessed that he is gay?

Was this woman really, all of a sudden, so hardened and cold-hearted, and even capable of murder, just because her stepson doesn't have a crush on women? Was there more to it than that?

Once again his thoughts turned only around Yibo and his family and what he might have overlooked. Again, there were lots of questions running through his mind and then there was this strange feeling that he just doesn't know everything yet. That there was more he had to discover. Him as a medium, not as a reporter!

Why was it that every time Zhan thought the case was clear, new clues and questions suddenly came up? Why did the whole story develop into an ever more far-reaching and so absurd thing? Couldn't it have been simpler? Here's the culprit, she's unmasked and arrested and move on? But instead, things come to light that were just weird and always questioned everything.

Slowly Zhan had enough of all this and wished he had never started to investigate this case. He is a reporter, not a cop. Should they find out the truth and he would later write an article about how the police uncovered the crime. But it wasn't that easy, especially not for Zhan.

It seemed as if his feelings would take over control and just because of his feelings for Wang Yibo, he would go on and on. On and on and on until he probably doesn't have any strength left. Without sleep and with too little time to at least eat properly, his body wouldn't be able to keep up for long anyway. Already for days he was running like on reserve and the only thing that still made him get up and go on was the thought of seeing Wang Yibo again.

But the more time passed by when Wang Yibo just didn't come back and could at least take away one of his worries, his biggest worry, his strength decreased more and more. Was he already so dependent on him? Couldn't he already live without Wang Yibo? And that even though they hardly know each other and only had so little time together?

When Zhan was still awake at 2 am in the night and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, he met his father there. He never talked much and neither did he that night. He handed Zhan a tablet and said, "You should take it, you'll definitely be able to sleep with that. And when you wake up, Mom will cook you your favorite meal. You need to get your strength back. And until you feel better, we won't let you leave. Your mom and I worry about you. And even your siblings are afraid you're gonna fall down. So do us a favor and get well before you leave."

Without waiting for Zhan's answer, his father went back to his bedroom. Zhan took the pill, and just 10 minutes later, he could feel it starting to work. When he was finally back in his bed, it wasn't long before he could finally fall asleep after many sleepless nights.

What will happen next? Will Zhan resume his investigation?

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