-57- The real Lian

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-57- The real Lian

The first short meeting of Zhan and Lian, didn't really go well and didn't leave a very good impression on Zhan. But since Zhan himself knew that the situation at the club that night was not the best and Lian was obviously already drunk, Zhan had decided to forget this first meeting and really get to know Lian on another day. And that day was today.

Zhan and Yibo already had an appointment with Lian for breakfast. They agreed to meet at the office and then have breakfast together and get to know each other. Zhan knew that Yibo had been very tense since that night in the club three days ago, when the subject of Lian came up, so Zhan pretended to be calm and relaxed. Even though he was actually very nervous himself.

After all, he would meet the man Yibo would work with every day in the future. A man who, like Zhan knows, is bi sexual, good-looking and smarter than he had assumed before.

Zhan had taken a little of his skills as a reporter and looked at Lian's background. For example, he also found out that Lian is the son of two highly intelligent academics and also Lian's intelligence quotient is anything but average. Even as a small boy he often visited the local animal shelter with his father and took care of the dogs and cats there.

Later, when Lian was a teenager, he volunteered to work in an orphanage. It was there that his wish to help other socially needy families later on, developed. Lian was always popular with everyone, fellow students and teachers alike. He also helped his classmates by tutoring them in different school subjects and this completely free of charge.

But like every person willing to help, Lian also needs a balance from time to time and he creates it in his very own way. For example by going to clubs, drinking and having one night stands every now and then. It doesn't matter to him whether he sleeps with a man or a woman. He says of himself that he does not and cannot commit himself to any gender and that he is still too young and would like to experience and try out more before he commits himself to something permanent.

Even though Zhan couldn't understand the One Night Stands, he still found Lian somehow impressive. Because he lives the way he wants to and is still a good person who helps others. Slowly Zhan could also understand why Yibo likes him so much. Because Yibo himself is very similar to him in many ways. Well, luckily not in terms of intimacy, because Yibo wants to have intimacy only with Zhan.

When the three sat at the breakfast table, Lian was immediately open and warm again and said to Zhan: "I am glad that you didn't resent me for what was in the club. I was drunk and just excited to finally meet Yibo's boyfriend."

"Mmm, that's OK. I didn't hold it against you." Zhan replied calmly.

Within a few minutes, perhaps not even ten, Lian explained his own vision of this office and the help he wants to give to those in need. Zhan was honestly impressed. Especially because Lian himself is only 22 years old.

"And we already have several requests from people seeking help. And we have not even opened yet. Even the youth welfare office has asked us if they can send people who are looking for help to us. I believe that what Yibo and I are starting here can be really great. Who knows, maybe in a year we won't be two people anymore, we'll have a few more employees and maybe a bigger office." Lian explained.

"Well, it's always good to set goals. And as I know Yibo, he will do everything he can to help you reach these goals." Zhan replied.

Yibo, on the other hand, sat silently next to Zhan most of the time, nodding or shaking his head from time to time. But he had hardly said anything. When Lian went to the toilet for a moment, Zhan asked him if there was something, if anything was bothering him. And first Yibo shook his head, but then he said: "I think he likes you. I've never seen him be so quick, so open with anybody."

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