-50- Finally

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A/N📣: We have reached chapter 5️⃣0️⃣. Yeah😃. For those of you who are wondering why I didn't mention Zhan's training😯, well, it probably wouldn't be that interesting🥱, and what is/was interesting, we'll find out all about it.🧐😘

-50- Finally

For the past three and a half years, in the middle of a dense dark forest, without electricity, running water or heating, a wooden hut was Zhan's home. In addition to his tiny room, there was Wang Sanya's room, a bathroom with a toilet that needed to be emptied regularly and a washbowl, a prayer and practice room, the living area with the fireplace and the kitchen.

Sometimes he felt very lonely there. Wang Sanya was the only person he had contact with during these three and a half years. No one ever came to them and they never left the forest. And soon a day was just a repeat of the previous day. And this for three and a half years.

Getting up at 5 a.m. every morning. Empty the toilet, fetch water from the stream, wash, pray, have breakfast at 6 a.m., work two hours, study for four hours, have lunch, study for another two hours and then work again until dinner.

They lived from what nature and the forest gave them. Berries, fruits, nuts, seeds, plants, mushrooms, and any roots, of which Zhan still became sick today. They even had a small vegetable garden. Meat, on the other hand, did not exist and so there was more than one day in winter when they had nothing but a jar of pickled vegetables.

To keep it warm in winter, they had to chop wood. To avoid sitting in the dark, they made candles out of beeswax, and at some point Zhan even constructed something that looked like a water pipe system, providing them with fresh water from the stream into the house. Instead of watching TV, they read, told each other stories, sang or meditated.

Sometimes Zhan felt as if he had been transported back more than 150 years into the past, which was mostly due to his traditional clothing. He always imagined that he had met Yibo in that past, they fell in love and promised to meet again in every next life.

On other days, especially when it was raining or just bitterly cold, Zhan imagined there had been an apocalypse and he and Sanya were the only survivors far and wide. And he waited for Yibo every day so they could be together again.

Zhan often had to laugh at his own fantasy and thought he could write a novel. He had time enough every evening, when he sat on his bed in his tiny room and thought up the wildest stories, where in really every single one of them, Yibo was in it.

Zhan had even started to write a diary. But it quickly became a mystery book thanks to his bubbly imagination. He was not far from writing about fantasy creatures like elves. Well, he probably would have written about it, had there been another writing book or diary to write in.

At a certain point he and his teacher reached the point where he and his teacher could talk about nothing else but his education and the daily schedule. Already quite early Sanya had told him why she left Yibo and his brother with their father.

After she caught him cheating on her and he wanted to force her to accept not only his mistress but also the affair, she just wanted to leave. But she was afraid that he would take her sons away from her and so she endured a year, where her husband, whom she still loved, left her alone every weekend to be with his mistress.

When she finally had enough and wanted to leave with her sons, the plan was ready. But then she noticed physical changes in her body, she suffered from morning sickness, felt a constant pulling in her abdomen and her breasts swollen. She immediately went to her gynaecologist because she suspected she was pregnant, since her husband, despite his mistress, still demanded intercourse with Sanya.

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