-10- Desire

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-10- Desire

After three beers and a few small shots, Zhan and his two roommates made their way back home. They were almost at the front door when Zhan noticed his phone was missing. "Shit, I left my phone in the pub. I don't even remember taking it out of my pocket. I'm gonna go back and get it."

"Shall we walk with you?" Yu Bin asked.

"Ah no. You go upstairs. You must be tired too. "I'll be fine. I need the fresh air." Zhan replied.

His head was spinning. All these discussions with Chuyue gave him a headache. So he was glad to be alone and get some fresh air.

He walked back very slowly to the pub and looked at the bracelet in the moonlight. He was glad that he had not told Chuyue about it yet, because who knows what kind of discussions this would lead to, if he knew he was wearing the bracelet of the missing Wang Yibo.

Normally he talked to Chuyue about everything. And no matter what he talked to him about, Chuyue always listened to him and never condemned him. But that night, Chuyue was different. Everything Zhan said ended in a discussion between the three of them and finally they sat silently together at the table and stared at each other. Never before had Chuyue behaved to him like he did tonight.

And it bothered Zhan that Chuyue, of all people, who could not stand Luna Li, started talking about her and even claimed that Zhan had broken her heart. He was the first one who said that Zhan should break up with her again, that he distrusted her and didn't like her. He was the one who always rolled his eyes when Zhan said he had a date with her. And now he's the one standing by her of all people?

When Zhan reached the pub, he suddenly found himself between loud music and dancing people. He went to the bar and asked the bartender for his mobile phone. "It was on the bench." Said the bartender and gave Zhan the phone. Zhan put it in his pocket and turned to leave, when someone grabbed his wrist and whispered in his ear, "Dance with me."

Zhan's neck hairs stood up. Slowly he turned around and saw the handsome stranger standing before him with a smile. Zhan's heart began to flutter and before he knew it, he was in the stranger's arms and they were dancing. And it wasn't movements that reminded of an epileptic seizure, but real dancing.

Everything that had bothered and annoyed Zhan before, was gone in that moment. He simply followed the movements of the handsome stranger. He just felt free. Yet he whispered in the stranger's ear, "Unfortunately I don't have much time tonight and have to leave immediately."

The stranger put his arms around Zhan and held him tightly. He rubbed his nose against Zhan's throat and gave Zhan a kiss on the back of his neck. "Then I'll walk with you a little further, just to your house." The stranger finally replied. He took Zhan's hand and left the pub with him.

They walked so slowly that Zhan felt even a tiny snail could pass them. Still, Zhan felt that this was exactly the pace he preferred. They held hands and it didn't feel weird or uncomfortable for Zhan. "Where do you keep coming from, and how do you always find me?" Asked Zhan after they stopped briefly by the unlit alley.

"I am always with you. But you can't always see me." The stranger replied.

"You mean like a ghost?"

"No, not a ghost. Have you ever seen a ghost?"

"Of course not." Zhan replied seriously.

"And have you ever seen a lost soul?" The stranger asked.

"No, I don't think so. Can they even be seen?"

"Yes, but not everyone can."

"And how do you know that?"

Dance with Me! [YiZhan Mystery FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now