-59- One year

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-59- One year

A/N: Let's do a time jump. I don't want to stretch this story endlessly and it's been a lot longer than planned without really making any progress. And since I want to concentrate on writing a new story in the near future, I should probably start slowly to start the beginning for the end right here. I will try to finish this story until Sunday, August 23, 2020, if possible even earlier.

Since one year Zhan and Yibo have a mostly harmonious and very loving relationship. It wasn't always easy for them and once it even looked like their relationship would end. But let's go through what happened step by step.

First, Zhan's grandmother died only two days after his last visit to her. She never woke up again. Zhan's wish to see her soul and say goodbye to her did not come true. And although he was prepared for her death, he was hit hard when his parents called him and told him that she was dead. But thanks to Yibo, who was a great help to him, he was able to cope with his grandmother's death quickly.

Zhan started working again and his boss gave him his old column back. He drove from appointment to appointment to do interviews and was often very late at home. When he had finished work early, he went on a search for lost souls together with Yu Bin. Often he forgot the time and rarely came home before 9 pm or 10 pm.

Yibo and Lian opened their office as planned and did not have to wait long for families, children and teenagers seeking help. They soon noticed that their office hours were not sufficient and so they had to adjust them again. Even if this was still not enough and they were still working overtime.

And even though Yibo was in the office every day from 7 am to 6 pm and worked, he still drove to the nursing home every day after work to visit his mother, where he stayed until 9:30 pm. Although the visiting hours were only until 7 pm, he and Hai Kuan were always allowed to stay longer. This was of great use to both of them, because they not only got to know their mother, but also managed to reconcile with her and even forgive her.

But with all this, the two ignored how little time was left for their relationship, as they didn't even use the weekends for each other and each took care of his own business. And so two months after the opening of Yibo and Lian's office, a big fight between Zhan and Yibo started.

Both accused each other of not taking their relationship seriously enough and not being interested in spending time together. The quarrel went on for days and even weeks and even led to Zhan leaving the shared apartment and moving to Yu Bin's apartment for some time after the latter looked for his own apartment.

In the end, it was Zhan's parents who brought the two of them together and forced them to talk. Everyone had the word and everyone was allowed to say what disturbed them about each other. And finally they had to realize that they were both right and wrong at the same time.

Zhan's parents told Zhan to stop shifting his interviews to the evening if possible and to stop searching for lost souls every day. They reminded Yibo why there are office hours and that he should stick to them. Because often he worked much longer than the office hours were. And they also told him that if he wanted to spend time with Zhan, he could no longer be at his mother's nursing home every day until late at night, but had to go home earlier.

After more than four weeks of arguing and silence, the two talked, thanks to Zhan's parents, and moved back in together. And because this fight was a lesson to both of them and they didn't want to go through something like this again, they talked to each other immediately if there was anything that disturbed them. And they also tried to still make time for each other every evening. From then on, the weekends belonged to them, only to them. This fight was their biggest and their worst, but also their last.

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