-45- Hard decisions

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-45- Hard decisions

After a long conversation with his grandmother, Zhan had lain awake in bed for a long time and thought about how the relationship with him and Yibo should and can continue. But the longer he thought about it, the more aware he became that if he now only thinks about himself and not about what is good for Yibo, he could stand in the way of Yibo and thus his dream of studying and becoming a social pedagogue.

And what right did Zhan have to take himself more seriously than Yibo's wish? For too long he had ignored Yibo's true wishes and had only thought of himself. Yes, he only wanted Yibo to be happy, healthy and comfortable, so he did everything for it. But he did it to keep Yibo with him and not to lose him. He was acting out of pure selfishness, as he realized.

Zhan realized that hard decisions lay ahead of him and Yibo and that these decisions would determine their future together. And it was already clear to him which decision Yibo would have to make if he wanted to make his dream come true.

And then there was something else that forced him to make another decision. His grandmother had given him a letter that she had received only one day before. It was addressed to Zhan and from a shaman who invited Zhan to his home to learn from him. Although Zhan had wanted to wait, it seemed that the time had come. It came as his grandmother told him, that he would receive an invitation.

When Zhan came into the living room in the morning, still totally tired, Yibo was sitting there on the sofa with his grandmother. Zhan was completely surprised to see him there, but also happy.

"ZhanZhan, can we talk?" Asked Yibo quietly.

"Not now. I have an idea. How about we have a nice day today, go to the club in the evening and talk afterwards?"

"Um, I don't know. I thought we could talk now. It' d be really important to me."

"Come on, Yibo. Let's just have fun today and then we'll talk later. I promise."

"All right. What do you want to do?"

"How about you and me going to that river you love and spending some time there? And after that we could go to the cinema, have some dinner and then go to the club for an hour."

Zhan's grandma looked at him thoughtfully. Was she already reading his mind? Did she already know what Zhan was up to?

"Okay, let's do it." Yibo replied reluctantly.

And they did. First, they went to the river where all the trees had lost most of their leaves. They looked gray and bleak, like everything else here this time of year. Even the lawn was just an ugly looking green and brown. Only here and there were a few last bushes and shrubs where there was still some green to be seen.

As they walked along the river for a while, Yibo held Zhan's hand firmly. They didn't talk much and if they did, it was only about the weather. Zhan casually mentioned, "If someone doesn't know what to talk about, he talks about the weather." But it didn't lighten their mood.

"ZhanZhan, can't we talk now?"

"Yibo, let's please, please just enjoy this day and act like everything's fine. And later, I promise we'll talk. I can't do this right now."

"But when you talk like this, you scare me. How can I have a good day?"

"Don't be scared. You'll see, everything will be fine."

"Well, if you say so." Yibo answered in a strained voice.

Even the movie at the cinema or dinner at the restaurant couldn't raise their moods. They mostly looked sadly at each other and avoided really speaking.

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