-14- Chaser

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-14- Chaser

Even three days later the dark blue Honda followed Zhan. Wherever he went, the car followed him. Again and again he had tried to catch a glimpse of the two passengers, there are two, he already knows that much. But unfortunately he did not manage to make out a familiar face.

To make sure it wasn't crazy Luna Li who was following him for whatever reason, Zhan checked her online appointment calendar. According to it she is currently in Rome for a modeling assignment and is not expected back until next week. To make sure Luna Li is really abroad, Yu Bin helped him. He called the model agency of Luna Li and asked them where she is currently located. And they confirmed that Luna Li has been abroad since a week. First Paris and now Rome.

Since Zhan could think of no one else who might be following him, Chuyue, with whom Zhan had spoken the night before, suggested something. He would follow Zhan and the dark blue Honda in his car. Zhan would lure his two pursuers into a quiet side street and then he and Chuyue would wedge the car between their two cars.

The plan was now in place and only needed to be implemented. But planning is something different than actually doing it. After all they both don't know who Zhan's pursuers are and if they could possibly be dangerous. At the same time, Zhan didn't want to be persecuted by them anymore. So he had to summon up all his courage and go through the plan with Chuyue.

And as soon as Zhan has got rid of his pursuers, he wants to go to his grandmother. She is still unreachable and even Zhan's parents are already worried. Never before had she been unreachable for so many days in a row. And if she did stay away for a longer time, she had at least informed the family.

When Chuyue came out of his room, he told Zhan that he was ready and that they could start their plan now. Zhan nodded, but immediately felt even more nervous than he already did. No one had ever followed him before and he had never been in a situation whose outcome was so uncertain. Would he perhaps be better off letting the police investigator know and letting him take care of the matter?

But probably the investigator would not help him either. He'll probably have more important things to do than finding out who's after Zhan. After all, they've only been following him and never tried anything else.

Nervously Zhan went to his car, sat down in it and started the engine and as soon as he had started driving his car, he saw the dark blue Honda again. Between the two cars was another car. But already at the next intersection the other car turned off and the Honda was right behind him again. And behind the Honda, Chuyue was driving.

Through their hands-free kits in their cars, Zhan and Chuyue talked to each other. Zhan received instructions on where to drive from Chuyue. They drove almost three-quarters of an hour across the city until they were just before an industrial area and Chuyue told Zhan to take the next left turn and stop there.

Zhan only had to drive five hundred meters, but it felt like miles to him. Sweat was pouring off his forehead and his hands were shaking. What if his pursuers are armed?

When Zhan stopped his car in the middle of the road, in a place where it was impossible to pass on either side, the dark blue Honda stopped too. And because Chuyue parked his car directly behind the Honda, the two passengers were trapped with their car. If they escaped at all, they could only escape on foot.

Zhan and Chuyue got out of their cars at the same time and walked towards the Honda. Chuyue on the passenger side and Zhan on the driver's side. His heart was racing like crazy and he was still not sure if this was really a good idea. Nevertheless his curiosity was greater and he finally wanted to know who had been following him for days and why.

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