-64- Dance with me, till the end (Last chapter)

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-64- Dance with me till the end (Last chapter)

A/N: We now come to the last chapter of the story. Perhaps it is too sudden for some of you. I, on the other hand, find it fitting. Both of them have experienced a lot in this story and suffered a lot. It's a long story that I probably could have made even longer, but that would just be pointless to drag out and at some point it wouldn't be interesting anymore. By the way, I plan to start with a new story in the coming days. Maybe two. But the second one won't be a FanFiction, because I'd like to try to write a story, in which there are only fictitious names and characters. But it will be LGBTQ and because it is not a FanFiction, I can write whatever I want hahaha. Ok, enough from me. Let's go to the last chapter of "Dance With Me".

"Summary of the past months" (last chapter)

Zhan and Yibo are celebrating their anniversary today. They just can't agree on how long they've been together. If they count the time back then, Yibo had not accepted the separation and continued to see himself as, in a relationship, with Zhan, then they have been a couple since six years. If they count only the time after they found each other again, then it is two years. But what they don't have to discuss is how long they have been married. That's two months.

After Yibo proposed, everything happened very quickly. Without further ado, they arranged a date in Italy for a wedding and were lucky to get one quickly. Like Cheng and Hai Kuan, the wedding took place in the smallest family circle. Cheng and Hai Kuan, Yanli, her husband and their two children, as well as Yibo's father. Even though nobody was sure before if this is a good idea.

Actually, Zhan would also have liked to have had Chuyue as his best man. But since Luna Li's pregnancy was anything but good and the birth of their baby was imminent, Chuyue could not be at Zhan's side and so Hai Kuan took over the task of best man for Zhan and Cheng was best man for Yibo.

The wedding of the two took place on the beach. Zhan and Yibo wore plain white airy shirts and white suit trousers while they stood barefoot in front of the altar and said yes to each other.

All day long, Zhan had been very emotional. He was excited, overjoyed and cried with joy again and again. Yibo thought it was totally cute and kept pressing Zhan on his strong shoulder with the words: "How can you look so cute even when you cry? I'll fall in love with you all over again."

But Zhan's parents, and especially his mother, also shed tears. She kept saying how happy she was that all three children were finally married. "And I'm happy that my ZhanZhan has found you, Yibo. Because I just know that you were made for each other. God gave my husband and me Zhan and created you especially for him, so he won't be lonely."

And while the family flew home the day after the wedding, Zhan and Yibo stayed on for two more weeks. They rode around Italy on a rented motorcycle and stayed wherever they landed in the evening. They did not have more than one backpack with them. They only needed themselves and a few clothes to change anyway.

When they returned, Zhan started his new job. He now works for the press department of the police. He writes articles on the police's homepage about their operations, issues notices and passes on tips in search advertisements. Because Zhan became more and more known and often worked together with the police, he was recommended by several departments and got this job.

Yibo and Lian do not work together anymore. Lian had decided to study again and now wants to become a psychologist. Zhan's elder sister Yanli, who also went back to work, now works together with Yibo. Yibo works a lot at schools and in youth clubs, while Yanli is still on the streets and helps the young people there. Meanwhile three professionals, the family psychologist and six volunteers work for them. Two of the volunteers are Zhan's parents.

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