-51- My ZhanZhan

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-51- My ZhanZhan


Yibo was so incredibly happy to finally be able to hold Zhan in his arms again, that he would have loved not to let him go. He held him again, firmly in his arms for a moment and whispered, "ZhanZhan, dance with me." Then he took Zhan by the hand and led him to the dance floor. And finally, Yibo's wish came true. They danced together.

Although they had danced the night before they broke up, Yibo didn't count it. Because he wanted to ask Zhan to dance, at a time he could determine. A time when he was healthy and happy again. That night three and a half years ago, he was neither completely healthy nor happy in any way. Even if he was enjoying himself on the dance floor with Zhan at that moment.

But even then Yibo knew that he would not like the outcome of the evening. And so it was. And that's why he didn't count this dance. But in this moment, now that they finally meet again, he is not only healthy but also overjoyed,

He guided Zhan through the dance and they both even attracted attention without realizing it. Many visitors of the club stopped and watched them both. Some muttered that they must have practiced for a long time to be able to dance like this. Yibo smiled and thought, if they would know.

After the first dance, a second and a third followed. And every single time it was as if they had trained for years for this. Admiring looks met the two of them and even Zhan's friends, stood there and clapped. Thanks to them, Yibo knew where to find Zhan. Because it was Chuyue who wrote him that Zhan came back today and that they were going to the club with him and that he should come along so that he could finally see Zhan again.

Yibo had not spent three and a half years just studying. He had a lot of contact with Zhan's family, with his friends, and a year before he prepared everything for his return home. He got an apartment, a job and had arranged for Zhan's belongings to be brought to the apartment. Nothing and nobody would be able to stop him now from finally having the relationship with Zhan he had dreamed of for so long.

From that night on, he and Zhan are a couple again and no one can change that. Because Yibo loves Zhan even more today than back then. And everything that may come, they will master together.

When the third dance was over, Yibo pulled Zhan back into his arms and held him tight. "You have no idea how much I missed you." He whispered in Zhan's ear. Even though whispers were understated, because as loud as the music was, he was surprised that Zhan could understand him at all.

"I've missed you too. You can believe that." Zhan replied.

"Shall we go?" Yibo asked.

"Sure. But there' s something I need to take care of first."

Yibo looked at Zhan in confusion, but then followed him as Zhan started to move. And then Yibo saw Zhan take a young girl by the hand and said, "And you, brat, don't think I've forgotten you. You're coming with me now."

"Ah, let go of me, you old man. I'll scream." Screamed the girl.

"Scream. Nobody can hear you, nobody sees you anyway. And I told you before, soul or no soul, you have nothing to do here."

Yibo tilted his head when Zhan came to him with the girl. "Who is she?" Yibo asked.

"You can see her?" Zhan in turn asked confused.

"Of course I see her. I can see souls since a while."

"Hey other old man, can you tell your boyfriend to let me go?" Asked the girl.

"Did you just call me old man? I'm just 24 years old, how dare you call me old?" Yibo asked in shock.

Zhan dragged the girl outside with him and Yibo followed them. And only in a quiet alley did Zhan stop. "What are you doing, Zhan?"

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