-46- Farewell letter

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-46- Farewell letter

In the morning Yibo, Zhan and his family were sitting together at breakfast, they all could not believe how fast everything suddenly went and hardly anyone talked. It was hard for everyone to accept that from that day on Yibo would no longer live with them as part of the family. And it was especially hard for Zhan's mother that Zhan and Yibo even broke up.

Over and over again Zhan's mother said she couldn't believe that the two of them ended their relationship and how sad she made it. But of course this didn't change anything. Even if Zhan would like to take back his words of the evening he addressed to Yibo. Wanting to tell him to just stay with him, he knew that it wouldn't help. The decision has been made.

After breakfast, the whole family helped to pack. Again and again tears flowed and when they said goodbye to Yibo, not one eye was dry anymore.

Zhan silently drove Yibo to his father. He would have liked to say a few words of encouragement to Yibo, something to motivate him. But he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would immediately start to cry again. Never before in his life has he found such a difficult thing as this farewell. And it would not be the only goodbye today.

Because as soon as he has dropped Yibo off, he will go home, pack his suitcase and make his way to the shaman. The village where the shaman lives is very far away, but still in China. Nevertheless, Zhan won't be able to make the long trip to visit his family regularly.

Actually he wanted to say goodbye to his friends as well, but all three are currently out of the country. So he wrote them an e-mail and hopes that they will understand him.

Arriving at the new house of Yibo's father, Mr. Wang and Hai Kuan were already waiting for them. Zhan would have liked to say goodbye to Yibo alone, because he still felt uncomfortable how Mr. Wang always stared at him when Yibo and he got closer. He didn't really believe that Yibo's father had really accepted the relationship.

In less than ten minutes the trunk was empty again and it was time to say goodbye. Mr. Wang stood right next to them and so Zhan hugged Yibo once more and said: "I wish you a few more nice days with your family. And I wish you good luck with your studies. Study hard and take good care of your health."

Yibo grabbed both cheeks of Zhan and kissed him on the mouth several times. "I will come back to you, ZhanZhan. And then nothing can separate us. Wait for me." He said, kissing Zhan a few more times before he went into the house with his father.

Zhan's heart hurt him and his eyes burned from all the crying as he went home. And as he had expected, this goodbye was as hard for him as it was from Yibo. But his parents understood him.

After Zhan had packed his suitcase, his mother called him into the kitchen once more. She gave him two big boxes filled with all kinds of food and said, "Sit down for a minute."

Zhan sat down and his mother slipped him a letter. "Yibo gave me this letter for you earlier. He told me to give it to you and to tell you he's coming back here no matter what Back to you." Then she left him alone in the kitchen for a moment so Zhan could read the letter in peace.

"My dearest ZhanZhan,

I am sitting here in the middle of the night, writing this letter to you while you are restlessly lying in bed sleeping. I waited especially until you fell asleep to write you this letter.

I know you will not believe me when I say that I will come back and that we can finally be an inseparable couple with everything that goes with it. But you'll see I keep my promise. So please wait for me!

I couldn't be more grateful for everything you've done for me, or your family. But most of all, ZhanZhan, I just owe so much to you that I don't know how I can ever repay you.

I'm sure you've wondered why we never took the final step in our relationship. It's not that I didn't want to. I just thought we had time, and we should wait until we at least got our own apartment. Sleeping with each other while everyone else is in the house and might hear us, I didn't like the idea. But now, now I regret it so much. Because suddenly we don't have time and we're not moving in together. We won't be able to see each other for a few years.

It's hard for me to put into words how I feel right now. I feel sad about the sudden end of our relationship. I'm angry because I have to lose you in order to study. I'm afraid that you won't wait for me. And I could scream when I think about how much I'm going to miss you. But I also have hope that we'll see each other again and then we can finally have the relationship we've always dreamed of for the past eight months.

I hope you will learn everything you need to know from the shaman so that you can fulfill your task as a medium. Just don't forget to come back. Because I remember very well the words of your grandmother when she said that it is not uncommon that the student stays with his teacher until his death and then continues his task. Just come home, okay?

I'm starting to get tired and I should sleep a little more. But first I will watch you sleeping for a while. I'm really going to miss this. And I' m gonna miss your warmth and your closeness. Please take good care of yourself, so that we can meet again soon, safe and sound.

I love you more than anything, my ZhanZhan. Don't forget me and please, try to wait for me.

Your Yibo"

Zhan kissed the letter and then put it in his diary. Afterwards he said goodbye to his family and set off on the long journey to face his training with the shaman.

With several small breaks, Zhan drove hour after hour, further and further and further, until he found himself in a tiny village. Since there are only four houses in this village, he did not have to search long to find the shaman's house.

He parked his car in front of the house, got his suitcase out of the trunk and walked towards the door. He looked at the bell sign and frowned. "Wang Huang" is written on it.

Before Zhan could press the bell button, the door opened and an old man with grey hair and a long beard opened the door for him. His clothes reminded Zhan of a traditional costume from series that were set in a time long, long ago.

"Come in, Zhan. I've been waiting for you." He said.

Zhan followed the old man. "Your room is upstairs. There's a bathroom upstairs. You have to clean it yourself. Bring your suitcase upstairs and then come back down to my place and we can talk." He said, and Zhan nodded.

When Zhan brought the suitcase to the small room and then came down to the living room, Wang Huang was sitting on the floor waiting for him. "I've made your favorite tea. Come here and have a drink with me."

"Yes, of course." Said Zhan and sat down opposite the old man.

"I have something to confess first. You must have wondered about the name on the bell. I can understand that. Let me introduce myself. Hello, I'm Wang Huang, grandfather from Wang Yibo!"

"Grandfather? Really? But I thought his grandparents were dead?"

"Yes, that's what my good-for-nothing son-in-law likes to say. But I am alive. Too bad Yibo couldn't come with you. But he has to go his own way before he is ready."

Zhan wondered, ready for what? What did this have to do with Yibo? So, does Yibo know that his grandfather is a shaman? 

A/N: I hate to keep you waiting with the next update. But after a long exhausting working day, I'm just tired at 03:40 in the morning and want to go to sleep. Don't worry about Yibo and Zhan. Just wait anxiously for the next update and what Yibo's grandfather has to tell.

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