-29- The soul of a mother

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-29- The soul of a mother

It's been a month now since Yibo's soul reconnected with his body, but so far there are still no signs that he will awaken soon. Not the slightest sign points to this and Zhan is at a loss. Why did the others awaken almost instantly, except Yibo? And even his grandmother was at a loss. She suspected that perhaps Yibo's soul had already lost too much power and now needed time to recover.

Every day so far, Zhan had been driving to the nursing home. Mostly he waited for Yibo's father and brother to leave and only then he went into the room, read to Yibo, even took over his care and waited for him to wake up.

In the meantime Zhan has even found a shaman who wants to and can train him. But, he does not live in China. Zhan would have to move in with him, live with him and dedicate himself day and night to his training for at least three years. More than Zhan expected, further away and unreachable for Yibo, when he wakes up and wants to find him. He would not only have to quit his job, but his entire life. But is Zhan ready for that?

Is Zhan ready to give up his whole life, the job he loves, leave the man he loves even more, and all this only to become a medium for lost souls? Can he be so selfless and just leave everything that matters to him?

At least on this Saturday Zhan doesn't have to think about that for now. In thanks for finding his son, Mr. Wang invited Zhan to have dinner at his home. For Zhan, this was also the perfect excuse to look around for the possible lost soul.

However, when Zhan arrived at Mr. Wang's home, he did not have to search for the soul for long. She stood next to Mr Wang in the doorway, bowed to Zhan and said, "Thank you for finding my child." However, Zhan was absolutely certain she was not Yibo's mother.

Mr. Wang, whose eyes are now light tolerant again after his last operation, went to the kitchen to take care of the food. Hai Kuan hadn't been there yet and so Zhan could devote himself to the lost soul. "You know that Yibo isn't really your child, don't you?" He asked the woman.

"Yes, I know. But it feels like he is. I wandered for a long time until I landed here and saw how badly the mother treats her sons. I had to do something. I had to help the children."

"So you took possession of her body and were a loving mother to them?"

"Yes. The children need love. I can't remember anything except being a mother. But I can't find my children, I don't know where to look for them. And these two children here needed me, the husband needed me."

"But that only made the stepmother more angry. You confused the whole family, and Mrs. Wang went crazy."

"She is a vicious woman and deserves to be in prison. For two years, I was at her side, watching everything she did. I had to stop her, but she is too strong and could break out again and again."

"Whenever you got weaker, right? Your soul uses up a lot of energy when you take over a body. I don't know how long you've been a lost soul, but maybe you shortened your time here in the world of the living. Maybe you won't even have the time to find out who you are and if your body still exists."

"It does not matter what happens to my soul. I felt like I had to take care of those two children. It was for me as if that was my job. I had to be there for the children."

"But these two are adults."

"And still they are children. I don't care if I disappear. I am glad to have been a loving and caring mother to the two boys at least for a while."

As Mr. Wang brought Zhan a cup of tea and set the dining table in the living room, a thought occurred to Zhan. Or rather, he noticed something. It seems that lost souls can remember something. This woman remembers being a mother. Yibo, could subconsciously remember Zhan. Little boy Lee remembered a game with a rubber band and a song that was always sung to him. And the other lost souls also told him about things they could remember. A poem, a smell, a certain handmade doll. It didn't matter what they remembered, something remained on their lives as humans, hidden in the lost soul's subconscious. Maybe something to remind them of their life?

After Mr. Wang went back into the kitchen, Zhan said to the woman, "How long do you want to stay here? Won't you at least try to find out more about yourself?"

"I'm staying here. I feel my strength diminishing with each day and I know that I don't have much time left. Still, I want to stay and at least pretend to have a family for the rest of my time. As if they were my family, even if they can't see me."

That's selflessness, thought Zhan. The woman knows she is a mother and that her children are somewhere, yet she does not want to leave this family here and stay with them until her time comes. Did she love this family here so much that she didn't mind?

When Hai Kuan came home, the lost soul ran towards him, pretended to embrace him and kissed his cheek. And for some reason, Hai Kuan wiped the part that she had kissed. Did he feel anything? Did he perceive anything of what the soul was doing?

Hai Kuan looked at Zhan thoughtfully and said, "I know this sounds strange, but every time I come home, I have a strange feeling. I think Yibo is here at home watching us."

Zhan wondered why Hai Kuan said that, but then shook his head and said, "That's impossible. And it doesn't come close."

"Oh, yeah? How can you be sure?" Hai Kuan wanted to know.

"Well, because Yibo is not a woman, and his soul is back in his body long ago."

"I knew there was more to you than what you told us. I knew you are special." Hai Kuan replied and sat excitedly next to Zhan. He took Zhan's hand, held it tightly in his hands and said, "Were you able to talk to Yibo? And who is this woman who is here?"

"I'd like to know that too." Said Mr. Wang, who's also just returned to the living room.

And without knowing whether it was a good idea or not, he told the two men almost everything he knew. He only skipped one or two special details. The first kiss in the club for example, as well as every other kiss with Yibo. And actually he only told them that he had found a way to communicate with Yibo's soul. And then he told them about the lost soul that is with them in the house and watches over the family.

At first the two Wang's were silent and didn't say anything. So Zhan almost believed that they would not believe him and might think he was crazy. But then Mr. Wang said, "I am glad that you have helped my son. And I also thank the woman here for looking after us. I knew something was wrong when my wife was suddenly so loving. But I never thought she was possessed."

Zhan wondered how Mr. Wang could believe that. Even to him, it still sounded like the ramblings of a lunatic. But Hai Kuan also believed him and said, "I bet my brother is totally into you. I think you're exactly the kind of man he's into."

Somehow Zhan didn't dare tell them about his love for Yibo, or that Yibo loved him. Zhan thought maybe it was too early for that or maybe it was just an inappropriate time. In any case, he thought it would be better to hide the fact that they love each other.

They talked for a while, ate together and Zhan told them what the lost soul wanted to tell them. Then it was time for Zhan to leave. He could have stayed longer and probably would have liked to, but he still wanted to go to the nursing home and visit Yibo. He at least needed to say good night to him. He had to see him at least once a day.

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