-54- Reporter

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-54- Reporter

Yibo and his mother kept on discussing and Zhan couldn't hear it anymore. Again and again his name was mentioned and again and again Yibo and Sanya talked as if Zhan was incapable of making his own decisions. And suddenly another person interfered. Yanli, Zhan's big sister.

"Are you actually aware that Zhan is sitting right between you and you talk about him as if he were not there? You sound like parents who have split up and now want to decide for their child what is best for him. Mrs. Wang, Zhan and Yibo have to decide about their future themselves. They haven't even had time to talk about how they want to shape their future together. And Yibo, I expected more from you. Shouldn't you first ask Zhan what he wants? He is older than you, he always knew what he wants and should have the opportunity to tell you. But right now you're making him feel like he can't make a rational decision." Said Yanli.

Hai Kuan and Cheng nodded and agreed with Yanli. While Zhan's parents said, "And you have just spoken for your brother. So now you are not better than Yibo and Mrs. Wang."

"But I am right. They treat Zhan like a little boy and want to decide what's best for him. Without either of them even asking what Zhan wants!" Yanli replied.

"Yes, you are right. But, still, you should not interfere. All this is getting us nowhere. Zhan and Yibo should first have a few days just for themselves and be able to talk about everything in peace. Because they will have a lot to talk about. And then they should get together with Mrs. Wang again and tell her how things will go on in the future. Anything else will just lead to more trouble." Zhan's father explained.

"Thanks Dad. I think you're right. Yibo and I should stop talking here, go home and talk about us first. About our goals and our future together. Because right now I'm just overwhelmed. I thought I'd have time to get used to the real world again, away from this lonely life in the forest. But as it seems, that's not going to happen. Since there's obviously a lot to talk about." Zhan replied.

"Sorry ZhanZhan, of course you're right. We should probably go home and talk." Yibo then said.

"You go home or to your office, I'm sure there's a lot to prepare and I'll drive my car to take care of something. I' II see you at home tonight at the latest and we can talk." Zhan said, getting up, hugged his parents again and then left the house.

Zhan didn't want to just leave Yibo behind, but right now he just felt overwhelmed and couldn't take it for another minute. He lived in isolation for three and a half years and had to get used to having so many people around him. And what bothered him most was that his family was also involved in the fight between Sanya and Yibo. His family was and is not quarrelsome and that even his quiet sister became loud was just too much for him.

First Zhan went to the hairdresser and had his hair cut and styled again. Then he went only two shops further and bought himself some new clothes, new shoes and after that he went further to the phone shop and bought himself a new mobile phone, because his old one doesn't work anymore and he wants to be reachable by phone again. Luckily his old phone card still worked, so he did not have to get a new one. He wrote Yibo that he is now reachable under his old phone number again and that they will see each other in the evening. Then Zhan made his way to his former boss.

For Zhan it was clear at that time, just like today, that when he finished his training with Sanya, he would go back to work. He wants to continue to earn his money as a reporter and combine his work as a reporter with his task as a medium, just like he did when he uncovered the case of Yibo.

Of course, Zhan had no idea if his boss would still give him a job now, after three and a half years. But he hoped. Because at the time, his boss told him to come back and work for him as soon as he got back. And as soon as he had reached the editorial office and had been announced to his former boss, he was sent to the office.

Not much had changed in the editorial office. Here and there a few new computers and other hardware, but apart from that it still looked the same as back then. Even the office of his boss had still been the same. The same pictures, the same decoration and his boss, who apparently never seemed to get older.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you Zhan." Said his boss as Zhan entered the office.

"I'm happy to see you, too. I've been back since yesterday and I just had to come today."

"You look like you had a difficult time."

"Yeah, more like a hard day so far."

"So my good Xiao Zhan, you're finally back in Beijing. I have many questions for you. But let's start with the most important one. When will you start working for me again? Your office is still empty, and I somehow couldn't bring myself to give it to someone else. I always hoped you'd come back."

Zhan suddenly had tears in his eyes and nodded. "I'd like to take another week and get used to big city life again. But after that, I'm ready right now. Would that be okay?"

"Of course. But I hope we can sign the contract today. It's really good to see you." Said his boss, got up from his seat and hugged Zhan. "You don't have to cry, Zhan. I told you I'd wait for you to come back. Tell me everything that happened to you and afterwards you and I will draw up your new contract, OK?"

And they did. They went to the canteen together, ordered coffee and something to eat and Zhan told him about his past three and a half years. He didn't know what his boss would think of all this, but he was happy to talk about it. And he didn't leave out how his day has gone so far.

"Well, Zhan, you've been through a lot. And now I understand why you need a few more days. Don't blame your boyfriend. I'm sure he just wants the best for you and said things he didn't mean. After all, he was very angry and things slip out that he didn't mean. And as for his plans for the office, well, I'm sure he would've told you about them if you two had spent some time together." Said his boss, after Zhan told him everything that happened.

After a little over an hour, the two of them were back in the office negotiating Zhan's new employment contract. In addition, his boss insisted that Zhan take not only a week, but two weeks before he starts working again. Zhan agreed. But somehow he would also have liked to start working again immediately. The atmosphere in the editorial office alone had made his fingers tingle. He was eager to work here again.

Zhan had spent almost three hours in the editorial office before he said goodbye to his boss. But before he left for his new home of himself and Yibo, he went to Chuyue. Because Zhan absolutely had to talk to him. One thing he noticed last night at the club, Chuyue could see the teenage girl, too. Just like he could see the old fortune teller at the exhibition. Could Chuyue also be a medium?

Could it be true that the other story Sanya once told him might be true? A story in which there were three people who together take care of lost souls. It was said that there was a soul healer, a soul seeker and a soul guard who together took care of the lost souls. The soul healer was especially important for those lost souls of the dead. Because he could give them the peace they needed when they heard about their death and suddenly became afraid, or else, he took away the worries of the lost souls so that they could let go of life in this world and go to the afterlife. Could Chuyue be this soul healer?

Even then, Chuyue was there when Miss Ann Yung showed herself to them and spoke with them. And afterwards her soul disappeared and was never seen again. Did she go to the afterlife after talking to him and Chuyue? And if so, how could he explain to Chuyue who he possibly is and what he might be capable of?

Shortly after Zhan reached the shared apartment of Chuyue and Yu Bin, however, Zhan had to learn that he still had to take a few more days before he could talk to Chuyue. This is because he left for a new business trip and would not return for a week and a half. Zhan was just leaving when a familiar voice said, "I knew you would come."

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