-19- Fairytale

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-19- Fairytale

Even after a week, Yibo was still not back and Zhan's concern for him grew almost to immeasurable proportions. Where could he be? Why didn't he come back? Could Yibo have found his body himself and not been able to return to him? Has he perhaps forgotten Zhan already? These and many other questions ran through Zhan's mind, causing him one sleepless night after another.

Since he had no other choice and also no new attempts he could follow, Zhan went through his data again and again and kept getting stuck with the former police chief. Several times Zhan had already asked him for an interview and each time he was rejected.

But Zhan didn't get discouraged that fast and giving up was out of the question for him anyway. He wanted to solve this case. He couldn't just stop now and move on to the next task.

Since a few days, Zhan can now also see the many other lost souls. And at least in this area, he could achieve his first success. In the supermarket he met the lost soul of a 10-year-old girl, as Zhan estimated. She immediately realized that he could see her and followed Zhan to his home.

Zhan had no idea what to do, he was still new in this business and no one had given him any guidance on how to help lost souls. It was rather the intuition that made Zhan go to the children's hospital with the little girl and walk through the corridors with her.

It didn't take long for the girl to start complaining about headaches and stomach aches. In addition, she suddenly seemed to run towards a station as if she were under outside control and disappeared into one of the rooms. When Zhan arrived at the room, the girl's lost soul had already disappeared. But he saw the equipment suddenly start beeping wildly and sounding a shrill alarm. Soon after, the girl woke up and like his grandmother said, she remembered nothing. All she knew was she wanted to run down the stairs, fell down and woke up in the hospital.

On one hand, Zhan was happy to have helped the girl. But on the other hand, he thought about Yibo and what it would be like when he returned to his body and couldn't remember Zhan anymore. Zhan suspects that it will hurt him a lot. Should he be preparing himself now to say goodbye?

Two days ago, when Zhan received a call from the doctor whom Zhan asked about Yibo, Zhan was completely overwhelmed afterwards. At first, Zhan had to smile because the doctor has the same name as his little brother. Soon there will be two doctors with the same name in Beijing. Only that his little brother will be a pediatrician while the other is a trauma surgeon.

In school, when he was very young, everyone had always asked him why his two siblings and his father were called Jiang and he and his mother were called Xiao. His parents never explained it to him at that time and so he just didn't know it, which is why he always shrugged his shoulders when somebody once again asked for the two different names in astonishment.

At some point he made a fairytale about it. He told that his father was his uncle and his siblings were his children, and actually he didn't know his father. When his parents found out what Zhan said about his family, he was only seven years old, they were so angry with him that he got beaten up for the first time, but also for the last time. For days his butt hurt and then he was under house arrest for two months.

As Zhan grew older, his parents told him that it was the families' wish to pass on the name. And so they decided at the wedding that Zhan's mother would keep her maiden name and one child would get her name.

So when Doctor Jiang Cheng called him and Zhan was done smiling, he listened very carefully to the doctor when he said, "As I promised, I asked around and found a small clinic just outside of Beijing, that had a patient matching your description a year ago. He had internal injuries, which fortunately were not serious, a broken leg and a dislocation of the head. He was in a coma for about a month before being transferred to a state-funded care facility. Unfortunately, nobody could tell me which one."

Zhan immediately noted down the address of the clinic and headed there today. But what he learned there he had never imagined. He talked to the doctor who told the patient, who Zhan thought it was Yibo, and he said, "After we had an emergency operation on the patient, we moved him to the intensive care unit and called the police. A policeman came, took the information about the patient and also looked at him. The policeman said that although he did not know the name of the young man, he had appeared and disappeared several times in his place. The officer assumed that he had run away from home and perhaps was looking for an abandoned house somewhere to hide."

"Do you remember the officer? What did he look like? Was he young or old?"

"The officer was older. As far as I can remember, he was even the chief of the police in that village."

Zhan was stunned. So the police chief knew where Yibo was and didn't say anything? "And he said he didn't know his name?"

"Yes, exactly. But what really baffled me was that he said he'd like to take the patient with him. I must have told him ten times that he can't just take a coma patient anywhere. Mainly because he couldn't even explain why! Again and again he had harassed me and the clinic management and demanded the release of the patient. But we refused vehemently. At some point, when he showed up here again, we let our security staff take him outside and threatened to report him. After that, he never contacted us again."

"I see. And where was the patient taken after he was stable and his injuries healed?"

"We had him transferred to a small nursing home. Unfortunately they closed their doors for ever just a few months later and unfortunately I can't reach anyone there to ask about the patient. However, it is possible that he is in a nursing home in Beijing. Since most of the patients have been transferred there."

Most patients meant, not all. But it was definitely a clue. And still not all the facilities had replied to his email search request. Perhaps one of his e-mails had reached the right facility after all, and soon he would get a response.

On his way back from the clinic, Zhan drove straight to the editorial office to put all his new information into the file. Zhan also learned from the doctor in the small clinic that they had taken pictures of the patient at the time, but unfortunately he could not find either the pictures or the file. Presumably it was handed over to the nursing home.

After Zhan had also updated his chief editor, he went home. He was still alone. Chuyue has been in Germany for over a week now to take a series of photos for a travel magazine and Yu Bin is on a business trip in Japan.

So without his roommates, Zhan felt alone in the apartment. Everything was so quiet and this silence always gave him time to think about Yibo. Sometimes Zhan's head ached from all the thinking. And sometimes he even got angry because he felt so helpless, not knowing how to find Yibo or if he would even see him again.

How he would have loved to have him with him when he calls the former police chief one last time to tell him what he knows.

Zhan switched his number off again when he called the former police chief again. No sooner had he answered the call than Zhan said, "I know you knew where Wang Yibo was. I know that you wanted to take his body with you. I know that you claimed he was a teenage vagrant whose name you do not know. You still don't want to talk?"

"When and where?" The old one asked.

"Tomorrow morning at 10, at the editorial office." Zhan said, and gave the former police chief the address of the editorial office.

"So I'll see you tomorrow morning. And you'd better be prepared for a shock." Said the old one and ended the conversation.

What will Zhan find out from the former police chief? Could it really shock him? 

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