-7- Accident victim?

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-7- Accident victim?

Zhan had been sure his grandmother had a good advice for him on how to act now that he knows Luna Li is the culprit and sent him the ghost. But all his grandmother had to say was, just stay out of her way and some day her interest in you will end and so the ghost should also stop following you.

Zhan was not really satisfied with this statement of his grandmother. Especially not because he didn't know what Luna Li was still capable of. If she sent him a ghost to watch over him around the clock, what else could she do?

The following day, after talking to his grandmother, he had gone to the country for an interview and met a designer who liked to retire to his little country house to gather new ideas and rest. The interview lasted an hour and Zhan found it increasingly boring and uninteresting, as the designer only talked about his preference for special fabrics and didn't want to talk about anything else. How he should make an article out of it was still completely unclear to him.

On his way back he discovered a river and followed it for a while until it ended at a waterfall. Zhan parked his car on the quiet country road and walked as close to the waterfall as he could. At some point, the sound of the flowing water was so loud that he could barely understand his own thoughts. Still he enjoyed the moment and just stayed there for a while, even though he didn't really know what brought him there.

About an hour later he was on his way back to his car when he noticed something shiny. He went to the spot and found a bracelet lying on the floor. The bracelet had a pendant that said "For W.Y."

The lock of the bracelet was broken, so it was obvious that the owner had lost it and was perhaps looking for it for a long time. So he put it in his pocket and took it with him. At the next village he stopped at a small police station and showed the bracelet to the officer. "I found it in the tall grass by the waterfall. I wanted to return it in case the owner was looking for it." Zhan explained.

The officer looked at the engraving on the pendant and sighed. "I think I know the owner. And if he is, he probably hasn't even noticed it's missing."

"Why not? It's got his initials on it. So it seems to have some meaning."

"Yes, it certainly does. What I mean is, the owner of this bracelet couldn't have been looking for it because he's been missing for over a year."

Zhan stared at the officer. "Missing?"

"Yes, unfortunately. He rode his motorcycle out again that night. He and his parents had a fight again and he just ran outside and rode off. When he didn't come home all night, his parents got worried and went looking for him. But all they found was his motorcycle, which was very damaged. Wang Yibo, the young man's name, was missing. Together with several volunteers we searched the area where his motorcycle was found. Even helicopters and sniffer dogs were used, but he was never found."

"That's terrible." Zhan replied.

"Yes, the parents are still looking for him every day." The officer explained.

Zhan got goose bumps at the thought of a young man disappearing after what appeared to be an accident. Injured and perhaps disoriented, he must have been wandering around and could be who knows where. If he should still be alive at all.

When Zhan was still writing reports about accidents, he often had to talk to family members. And each time it was hard for him to see the worried or suffering family members. Tears were running down their eyes, they were trembling all over their bodies and often found it difficult to talk.

Since the officer gave the bracelet back to Zhan and asked him to bring the bracelet to Wang Yibo's family himself, Zhan decided to spend one night in the village and then visit the young man's parents. The officer had told Zhan that Wang Yibo was only 19 years old when he disappeared. And even though he no longer wrote about traffic accidents, he thought that maybe there was a hidden story here, just waiting to be told.

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