-63- Unexpected

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-63- Unexpected

When Zhan and Yibo arrived at the resort, they were both totally frozen, but happy. Still, Zhan only wanted one thing. Go into the room, unpack and take a long hot bath. Unfortunately there was no bathtub in their bathroom and so the two took a long hot shower together, which not only warmed up their bodies by the hot water.

Yibo was like a new man for Zhan. He changed more and more and was no longer the always serious man, who everyone could see that he had a hard life. Instead, he seemed youthful, happy and relaxed. He laughed a lot and left no doubt who the person is who he loves. Again and again he declared his love to Zhan and he also didn't mind when they were not alone.

But Zhan also felt how he changed. Even though he was again the man he used to be. Funny, relaxed and playful. It was almost as if someone had flipped a switch on both of them after they had accepted their fate. And finally they are not a couple that is only serious, goes to work and is somehow always tense. But a happy couple that is playful and crazy after each other.

After their shower, the two of them went to the hotel restaurant, had lunch and then had a massage. From there they went to the sauna, to the pool and back to the restaurant for dinner. They sat at the bar for another two hours before they finally went upstairs to their room.

Since they both wanted to spend a moment on their terrace, Yibo set up a chaise longue, fetched blankets and waited for Zhan, who had a short phone call with his parents. When Zhan came on the terrace and wanted to look for a second chaise longue, Yibo grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him under the blanket. "Your place is here, ZhanZhan." He said, as he wrapped his arms around Zhan.

And as Zhan looked up at the starry sky and wondered when it would get colder this winter and snow again, Yibo looked for something and then said, "ZhanZhan, please give me your hand." Automatically, Zhan raised his hand until Yibo was done with what he was doing. Then Yibo said, "You can watch ZhanZhan." And Zhan looked at a silver ring with five little stones of different colors.

Hastily, Zhan turned his head to Yibo, who smiled at him and said, "I've been wanting to ask for your hand for a long time. I have wanted to ask you for a long time to marry me. But without a matching ring that symbolizes that you belong to me, I couldn't do that. And while I still thought it would be a long time before I could give you the ring I had in mind, I found an entry in my mother's very last diary. She wrote to me to open the bottom of the box containing all the diaries and look there. And there I found this ring. I dreamed about this ring and I even wanted to let it be made especially for you. There was also a very short letter. In it she wrote to me that I should put the ring on your finger when we look at the stars on a cold night. So tonight. I know it's unexpected and you made it abundantly clear that marriage is not high on the list. But ZhanZhan, I love you so incredibly, for me, marriage is at the top. I don't just want to be with you and live together, I want us to get married. I want nothing more than to make you my husband. And I hope that you won't reject me right away and at least think about it."

Zhan could barely hold back his tears. He kissed Yibo, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Yibo. But I don't need to think about it."

"So you are rejecting my proposal?" Asked Yibo sadly.

"No way! I'm saying I don't have to think about it. Because my answer is already, yes."

It seemed like three or four seconds before Yibo realized what Zhan was saying. But when it finally clicked, Yibo's eyes brightened again and he grabbed Zhan's cheeks with both hands and kissed him deeply and hard. "I love, love, love you so much ZhanZhan." He said between the kisses.

"And I love you Yibo. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I'm thankful every day for you and your love for me. Nothing and no one could ever stop me from marrying you. Because my heart is yours alone and it's never gonna change." Zhan replied.

Zhan was so excited and pleased that he took a picture of the ring on his finger and uploaded it to his social networks. And he wrote, "And suddenly you are the fiancé of the best-looking, smartest, most loving, most attentive man in the world. Wang Yibo, I love you!"

Yibo commented: "You are my life, my world, my universe and soon you will be my husband. I love you, my sweet, smart, loving and attentive fiancé Xiao Zhan. And now let's finally go to bed and celebrate our engagement."

Yibo took Zhan's cell phone, turned it off and then carried him into the room where he carefully laid him down on the bed. "From today, you are officially mine. And this must be celebrated. So get ready for a long night." He said to Zhan as he began to undress him.

In his mind's eye, Zhan saw once again how he first met Yibo at the club and he dragged him onto the dance floor with him. How Yibo kissed him there for the first time and Zhan's lips seemed to make themselves independent. How he couldn't get Yibo out of his head ever since and felt attracted to him.

At that time, Zhan hadn't known what a long journey the two of them would have to go to get to the point where they are now. How many thoughts had Zhan had? How often was he worried. How many tears were shed? And how often did he feel nothing but happiness inside?

Zhan, who was never interested in men, only had to meet Yibo to realize who he really is and what he really wants. He only wished that all of this had not been so complicated. Sometimes he just wanted to give up and move on, pretend nothing happened. But he could not give up. He just kept going.

Little by little he untangled all these complicated entanglements and at the end of the string, he found the man he wanted to share the rest of his life with. First there was this stranger, the handsome young man kissing Zhan, then there was this family missing their son, the realization that the handsome young man is a lost soul, and finally he found out that the lost soul and the missing Wang Yibo are one and the same person.

Zhan had spent a lot of time and energy to find out the truths about the alleged accident of Yibo. Sat by his bed at the nursing home at Yibo every day for months, waiting for him to wake up. Nursed him together with his family and had to say goodbye to him with a heavy heart for three and a half years so that they could both go their way. They found each other again after these three and a half years and almost split up when they had a fierce fight for the first and last time.

But now finally everything seems to have turned for the better and they can finally love each other and hold each other in their arms without having to worry about what the coming day might hold for them. But Zhan also knew that if someone would give him a choice, he would do everything exactly as he did. Maybe he would think less and act more, but he would always go the hard way for Yibo.

Besides, Zhan thought, if it had been too easy for the two of them, they might not appreciate their love for each other as much as they do today.

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