-25- Yibo's most important memory

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-25- Yibo's most important memory

When Zhan woke up, his first thought was, Yibo. He quickly opened his eyes, hoping that he had not just dreamt that Yibo was back and looked into Yibo's eyes. Relieved and smiling, he looked at Yibo and said, "I was afraid, I only dreamed you were back."

Yibo gave Zhan a kiss and said, "It was not a dream my ZhanZhan."

"Mmm, I'm relieved about that." Said Zhan and kissed Yibo on the cheek.

Yibo took Zhan in his arms and told him how wonderful he felt to hold him in his arms and how much he longed for it. He laid Zhan on his back, bent over him to kiss him and then said, "I have something to tell you. It is an important memory that you should know about. I wanted to type it into your notebook, but unfortunately it doesn't work. So I want to tell you about it."

"All right, I'm ready and listening." Zhan replied.

"Okay, but you have to let me finish first, okay?"

" Well, I'm afraid of what you're going to tell me. But okay, I'll let you finish." Zhan replied. Should he be worried? What was this memory Yibo wanted to share with him?

"About two months before my accident, which wasn't really an accident if you want to be precise, but anyway, I had to go to Beijing for an job interview. I had applied to a company that was looking for more employees. It didn't matter if someone had studied or not. At least that's what it said in the job ad. So I went to Beijing, had a really good interview and got an 80 percent acceptance of the job, the remaining 20 percent was up to the deputy CEO and, as the CEO said, should not be a problem. Happily, I went to a café before I wanted to make my way home. I sat outside and drank a hot chocolate and ate a waffle with blueberries. And just as I was about to leave for home, someone came and sat down at the table next to me."

Zhan's stomach started to go queasy. Was Yibo going to tell him about his first love? He didn't really want to know about that. Not that he didn't care, it just seemed too soon. Just a short while ago, Zhan admitted to himself that he likes a man and even wants to be with him, and now he should hear who this man had his first love in his sights?

"I immediately found him interesting. He sat there, telephoned with one hand, read something on his tiny notebook and took notes with the other hand. He talked a lot, but unfortunately I couldn't understand anything. It fascinated me to see how he could do all these things at once. He ordered himself a latte and continued to work incessantly on whatever he was doing. I would have loved to ask him what he was doing. But I did not dare. I even called Seungyoun to ask him how he approached Wooseok to meet him. I briefly explained to him why I wanted to know that and he told me that there were no instructions, I should just start with a hello. But the man was so busy that I would have found it rude if I had just said hello to him in the middle of his work. And then I didn't have the courage to do it."

"So you didn't do anything?" Asked Zhan.

"No. I just sat there, heard Seungyoun calling me to just talk to him but I couldn't. I was frozen, and could only look at his beautiful face. And I was so busy with that, that I didn't even notice how he drank his latte and put everything back into his leather bag. He paid the waitress, got up and wanted to go. But then the waitress called him to wait a moment. He had forgotten his cell phone on the table and she gave it to him. He smiled and thanked her, and at that moment I thought my heart would jump out of my chest, so beautiful was his smile."

Even if Zhan didn't want to admit it, he could feel jealousy growing inside him. Did he really need to hear that? Even if nothing came out of it, did he really need to hear how beautiful he thought the other man was?

"'I memorized his face very carefully and hoped to see him again once I was working in Beijing. A few days later I got the job offer and it should have started three months later. I was ready to leave my home village and go to Beijing and I planned to look for the man I fell in love with at first sight".

"And then the accident or attempted murder occurred." Zhan concluded the obvious.

"Mm, right. But I guess I seemed to have fallen for him so much that I even saw him again as a soul and I could remember him."

"So you know who he is now, and you still have feelings for him?" Asked Zhan and felt a painful stab in his chest.

"That's right, ZhanZhan. I still love him, even as a lost soul. From the first sight I saw, my heart belonged to him."

"And what do you expect me to do now Yibo? Do you want me to find him for you and mediate between you two?" Asked Zhan and besides his jealousy he now felt anger towards this other man and Yibo, because he spoke so openly about his feelings for the other man and didn't care about Zhan's feelings.

Yibo leaned over to Zhan, kissed his forehead and said, "Do you know who this man is? Shall I tell you?"

Zhan didn't want to hear it, he didn't care, he wanted Yibo and the other one should stay where he is. But still he asked, "Who is it?"

"His name is Xiao Zhan. You're the one I saw at the cafe. I remembered it again when I was alone. And I suddenly realized why I was so attracted to you. It was because of my feelings for you, ZhanZhan. Even though it might make you uncomfortable, I still want to tell you that I love you. I love you, Xiao Zhan, and I loved you from the first moment I saw you."

Zhan looked at Yibo speechlessly. He thought about their first time meeting at the club and how he couldn't escape him. How he let himself be kissed and then returned the kiss. How he wished he knew who this handsome young man was. And suddenly he realized what he had always overlooked and not noticed. He also loved Yibo from the first moment he saw him. "I love you too Yibo. I really do. I love you. I have loved you ever since that night at the club." Zhan replied excitedly.

Yibo looked at Zhan with eyes wide open, put both hands on Zhan's cheeks, smiled and kissed him. Zhan's heart was beating faster than he had ever felt before. Never in his life had he felt such a feeling inside of him as at that moment. And he wished it would never stop.

"We have to do something, ZhanZhan."

"And what?"

"We have to find my body. I want to go back to my body and be with you. I want to be a human being who has a relationship with another human being. Not as a soul."

"I'm already looking for your body. But, Yibo, there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?" Asked Yibo and looked at Zhan with concern.

"When a soul returns to its body, it forgets all out-of-body experiences. Everything you experienced and felt as a lost soul will disappear once you're back in your body."

"Is this true?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I was told about it and then I saw it for myself. I helped the souls of two children find their bodies and they forgot everything that happened in the meantime. And you will also forget everything Yibo."

"I will certainly not forget you ZhanZhan. I promise I won't forget you. I loved you even before I became a lost soul. And I' II keep loving you and I' II remember all of this."

Zhan would love to believe that. But he knew the truth. He knew it was going to happen and that there was no way around it. Still he said to Yibo, "All right, Yibo, I believe you won't forget me. We'll find your body and as soon as you're human again, you and I will be a couple."

Yibo was happy about this and kissed Zhan's face. And even though Zhan smiled and laughed, he was more inclined to cry. How much he would like to be with Yibo and how much he wished that Yibo would not forget him. But the truth is, these wishes will not come true. Because a soul can only be protected if it forgets everything that happened in the meantime. This is what his grandmother had whispered into his ear when he last saw her and said goodbye. "You cannot remind a person of the intervening period as a soul, for they will not be able to cope with that knowledge." And when had she lied to Zhan before? Never!

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